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"What's up with that guy? Who is he?" Daehwi scratched his head. Y/n ran through the store and immediately got outside.
"Wait!" She shouted towards the masked tall guy, who was sprinting across the street. He stopped for a moment and turned his head to face the girl.

She quickly passed the street and grabbed his arm. "Don't do this. You don't have to get angry."
"I'm not angry."
"Now you're just kidding yourself." She half smiled and tilted her head. "Anyway. I don't wanna end anything in bad terms."
"So you wanna end this?" Johnny raised his eyes to meet hers.
"End what? Johnny are you wasted? If you mean our friendship, of course not. I meant I don't want to have a grudge on you."
"Friendship...? Thank god you realized that." He attempted to leave, but Y/n hardened her grip on his arm.

"Don't." Y/n's voice cracked. "Please."
"I'm tired." He whispered.
"What are you so tired of? What are you being so dramatic for? We literally just met Johnny."
"Stop clutching my hand." Johnny said in a very serious tone.

"You're holding on just because you're a fan. You never wanted a friendship. You wanted to live your fantasy life with me as a male lead."
"What is this bullshit?" Y/n said angrily with tears in her eyes. "You know what? You believe you're so desired? So be it. I have a life of my own too. Goodbye Seo Johnny." The girl bowed and left Johnny dumbfounded.

"Hey you're not the one who's supposed to be offended!" Johnny shouted.
"Guess I am." The girl raised her middle finger as she walked towards the store. "Goodbye fucker!"

Johnny stared at the girl, who was getting farther and farther, until the door opened and consecutively closed. "How come she gets to do that?" He muttered to himself. "This isn't fair."

There Johnny was, hesitating to enter the shop again. He walked up and down the street. If only he could enter that store, put down the piece of paper and just dash out. The only thing holding him back was what was written in the letter:

"Do not take this as we're making up or anything, because we haven't...yet. Text me on this number. I'd like to talk things out."

He thought of himself as very childish for being in this situation. "Common Johnny. You're 25. You can clearly do this." He hyped himself up.
He took a deep breath and opened the store's door. Y/n jumped a little because of the sudden noise. He stared her down as he put the piece of paper on the counter and left.

"What is this?" The girl asked herself as she read through the letter. "This guy is very indecisive. Someone should convince him to take a bipolarity test because geez..." She scoffed.

It was 9pm and Y/n was lying down on her bed, contemplating on texting the number in front of her.
"What am I even doing? He is such a hypocrite." She voted against texting him, but her gut feeling pushed on doing the complete opposite.


If you think I'm giving you a chance to make it up to me, you're absolutely right. Go on and justify you hurting my feelings.

I'm sorry I was just mad.


Okay I just got paranoid.
You know how hard it is for
idols to befriend random people
that they meet.
I'm so sorry, really.
You're nothing alike
the words I said.
I was just angry.
I'm so sorry again.
You seem like a very supportive
and caring person and I just went
and assumed the worst.
Read 21:43

Y/n? Are you there?

Oh sorry. Was currently having
an uwu moment. You seem so sweet
saying these words :((((
But don't think of me as too easy
to apologize to ok?
I'm forgiving you just because
we haven't been knowing
each other for long✨

I won't.
Read 21:53

So what are you doing?

Oh wouldn't you like to know?
Here goes strike two:
watching Rowoon fancams 😗💅🏻

Oh my god
Those emojis
You really are 18 huh?

Imagine being 25 in 2020.

At least I'm not an inexperienced
18 year old girl who watches kpop
idols' fancams.

Haha. You didn't just pull
that card when we literally made out.
Now I'm feeling insecure. Bye.
And FYI I'm inexperienced bc kpop idols
way higher standards than I should have.

I didn't mean it..
Delivered 22:00

Delivered 22:03

Ok then.
Goodnight you inexperienced
yet surprisingly good kisser.

Mischievously innocent || Johnny x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now