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"Hello! How may I help you today?" Y/n turned around as soon as she heard the voice greeting her.
"Do you keep pads?" A guy asked nervously as he looked down to the ground.
"We should have some left. Let me check really quick."

Y/n walked to the corresponding isle, carefully searching for the item. Suddenly the store's door opened again as she kept going through the shelves. She quickly went back to the costumer, giving him the wanted item.
"Here you go!"
"Thank you." The guy paid and bolted right out.

"That was actually so funny." Y/n laughed.
"What is?" A voice was heard from behind her. "Miss, are you making fun of a costumer? Are you judging your own costumers?"
"Woah, chill I didn't mean that..." The girl turned around to face the person. "Oh my God. For a minute there I thought I was screwed."

"Would you like to?" Johnny said as inaudibly as he could.
"What did you say?" She asked in confusion.

"How is work going?" Johnny looked at the ceiling, while Y/n kept organizing a few products.
"Pretty cool. But I must say: being 18, working an entire continent away from home, really is something else."
"Hey that's me." The black haired guy raised his hand smiling.
"Omg I didn't even plan on relating this to you." Y/n said waving both of her hands forward.
"I know I know." He kept smiling.

The both of them came out of the store. They seemed to be having a very interesting conversation. The guy put so much effort into explaining, using body language and hand gestures, while walking backwards to face Y/n.

"It's not like that Johnny and you know that."
"I clearly don't, that's why I'm trying to convince you."
"Dude if you think that mint chocolate is bad, then you don't even love chocolate as much as you think you do." Y/n adjusted her slim framed glasses.
"What does that mean?"
"It's very similar to an idol. If you love that idol a lot, then you would enjoy every style they wore. Sure you might have favorites, but none can be disliked, because you just love them so much."

"Are you confessing your love to me?" Johnny put his hand on his chest while fluttering his eyes.
"Sure, I do love you. But I'm past my obsessive phase with you. Now it's Rowoon time." She said cheekily towards Johnny.
"Rowoon huh? It's because he's tall isn't it?"
The girl kept silent as Johnny looked at her.
"So Namjoon, me, Yeonjun, Rowoon, Chanyeol, Mingi...You do have a thing for tall idols don't you?"
"And that's a secret I'll never tell." The fangirl ran through the narrow street.
"Wait! Don't make me come and get you!" Johnny shouted as he chased after the girl. "It's so hard with this mask on!"

Both of them fell on the ground, laughing their lungs out as they tried to catch their breath.
"Man I haven't ran like this in a while."
"Liar! You're an idol in a group with 20 other crackheads. Hard to believe." Y/n lightly punches his arm.
Both of them sat down on the nearest bench. The tiredness was written all over their faces. Y/n couldn't comprehend what day she had just experienced, and the sight of Johnny wasn't helping her mind.

Mischievously innocent || Johnny x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now