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People were flooding the street in front of SM Town. Loud screams and chants were heard all through the streets. It was 15:00 and idol groups were coming out one by one all ready for an award show, hence the obnoxiously loud noise. Beautiful men and women came out of the building leaving people in awe.

At this point nothing mattered. Locals, foreigners, youth and elders were there screaming their lungs out hoping that one of the many idols would notice them.

"This is mad!" Chanyeol exclaimed while waving at people.
"It really is." Joy said smiling as wide as she possibly could.
Large limousines and cars were all lined up in front of the building waiting for the god-like humans to get in.

EXO and Red Velvet were already set and left as soon as they walked outside.
And then there was NCT.
NCT was capable of many things, but being accommodated in a vehicle wasn't one of them. They were able to leave only after about 15 minutes.

"It's been quite a while now, and I still can't get used to this." Johny stroked his hair as he sighed.
"Honestly, me neither." Jaehyun shrugged. "But it's great to see that many people have our backs."

After 1 hour of driving, the groups arrived at the facility. They all ran inside and were all met with chaos. Idols were dancing, eating, socializing, laughing and crying, trying to calm themselves down. Nothing they hadn't seen before, but this reality still hit them hard.

"Get ready and please practice until the last minute." The manager said.
"Copy that!" Everyone shouted as they roamed around the halls to find their dressing rooms.

"Hey Mark!"
"Yes Kai hyung."
"Could you please tell me when you all are ready. We really need to be seated at the same time."
"No problem. I will." Mark nodded as Wendy passed by.
"We will too, don't worry. We're in this together." She assured the two boys smiling.

A few hours had passed and the awards show had started. People were introducing themselves to separate cameras, live streams and other fellow idols, trying to make the most of it. Everything was nice. No fan wars, no boundaries separating artists nor complexes. Everyone was there to simply vibe and have fun.


Rookie and senior idols were singing a chanting like crazy fans to each song. People were taking pictures and distance 'flirting' with their fans.

"Damn this group is very good! What's their name?" Baekhyun asked Taehyung.
"I think their name is SF9. They debuted around 2016 I believe."
"So talented." Seulgi said while moving her head along with the music.
"Oh yeah I know this group." Johnny stepped in the conversation. "About 3 years ago I was in a show with one of their members, Rowoon. Such nice guy, and handsome too."
"Really? They're going to get big I see." Namjoon stared at the stage.
"Indeed they will." Haechan agreed.

And just like that, the night went by pretty smoothly.

To clear out any confusions. These events are happening at the same time. That being 7 am European Time and 3 pm KST, because of time zones💞

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