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It was a peaceful Saturday morning. Both girls slept in until noon, when Tae Hee decided to blast music as she was washing up.

"Tae Hee..." Y/n growled at the sounds coming from the bathroom. "Tae Hee!" She half shouted.
"Ugh! She can't hear me." Y/n roughly rubbed her eyes as she sat up on the bed.
"My head hurts so much."

It's gonna be okay.

"What was that?" Her eyes shot up. She looked around the room but no one was there.
"I'm going crazy." The ginger head took her phone in her hands and started scrolling through social media.

It had been 3 days since her encounter with Johnny. They texted a lot, but nothing compared to actually seeing him.
"Uhh. I came her for an emotional reset, not an emotional attachment." She sighed as she kept scrolling.

She gathered he courage and decided to call him. Her fingers scrolled until she found his name. "Woman up Y/n!"
She pressed dial.

"Morning Johnny."
"It's noon Y/n. And who's Johnny?"
Her eyes widened as she stared at the name on her screen. She immediately hung up.
"Why is he being like this?"

She dialed the number again.
"Morning? Is this Johnny?"
"Of course it's Johnny. Morning Y/n!"
"Oh god."
"What's wrong?"
"Oh nothing. Are you free to hang out?"
"Yeah! See you at the convenience store in an hour."
"Ok then. See ya!"

"What are you getting ready for?" Tae Hee walked in the room.
"I'm meeting up with someone."
"Ooh! Is it the hickey person?"
"Shut up."
"It is the hickey person. Tell him I said hi." Tae Hee said teasingly.
"Never." Y/n said as she tied her shoes. "Anyway, if you're going out call me."
"Ok." Tae Hee answered.

As she walked down the stairs her sight became dizzy. The stairs were glitching just like a simulation game. She could see a merged view of two types of stairs, both of which were very familiar to her. Her head was buzzing as she put her hand on her forehead.

She was about to faint, when someone held her up.
"God! Y/n are you okay?" A tall guy was holding her.
"Yes Johnny, I am okay."
Silence dominated for a minute there.

"J-Johnny?" She stuttered as she didn't hear an answer back.
"Y-y-yes." Y/n's eyes were open wide as she heard the guy's voice glitch, just like a robot.
She stood up and looked at Johnny. His motions were slowed down and he looked like a living video.

"Johnny!" She shouted in horror. She fell to the ground and hugged her knees. "WHAT IS HAPPENING TO JOHNNY!"

Honey, it's okay! Who is Johnny?

"Who are you and why are you messing up my life? Let me live my life!" Y/n cried out.


"Honey! It's your mom!" The woman slapped the girl's face.
"M-mom? What are you doing here?"
"What do you mean?"
"Mom, w-we are in South Korea. What are you doing here?"
"Y/n. We are in our home. What do you mean South Korea?"

Suddenly all her surrounding melted down. The staircase, the walls, the big entrance, the convenience store and even Johnny had disappeared.
"W-where is Johnny?" The girl cried out.
"For the last time: Who is Johnny?" Her dad half shouted at the girl.

"He was standing right there." She pointed at an empty space, tears streaming down her face.
"Honey..." Her mom looked at her own daughter, wiping the tears down her face. She grabbed Y/n's hand and put a forced smiled on her face. "Honey...Let's go for a ride."

"But mom I need to meet Johnny he-he-he is waiting for me near the convenience store." The girl cried.
"Okay honey. Let's go meet Johnny." Her mom pat her girl's shoulders.

The drive was very silent and only the girl's sobs could be heard. They stopped the car near a small building. The two parents worryingly got out of the car, hoping to get their daughter out too.

"We're here Y/n." Her dad opened the car's door, expecting her not to believe they were actually taking her to Johnny.
"Oh yes. This is the convenience store." The girl's eyes lit up.
"What? Where?" The mom was surprised.
"Right there." Y/n pointed towards a park.

At this point, her dad was in the verge of tears. They took their daughter by her hand and lead her into the small building. They walked through a bright hallway with a door in front of them.

Therapist Mrs. Simmons

"She has been talking nonsense for quite a while now." The father explained to the therapist. "Her friends even told us that she calls them different names and sometimes speaks in Korean."
"And she won't stop talking about a boy named Johnny or another person called Tae Hee."

The therapist looked at the girl. She was sound asleep, her head resting on her mother's shoulder. She looked like she had been crying a lot.

"Sir, I'm afraid your daughter might suffer from Maladaptive Daydreaming. I'm not sure yet as we have to run some tests, but she has been hallucinating a whole new life."

The woman's eyes filled with tears as she heard the therapist talking about her daughter's condition.

Not long after, Y/n woke up.

"Did you meet up with Johnny?" The therapist asked the girl with a smile on his face.
"Yes...How did you know?"
"Just a hunch. May I ask, who he is?"
"Oh I guess you're a foreigner." She sighed. "See that poster over there?" She pointed as the window. "That's Johnny. Johnny Suh, a kpop idol in NCT 127."

Her dad sighed as he saw her daughter talk with such enthusiasm . The poor girl was so obsessed with her kpop idols, that she had gone crazy.

"Oh! Nice!" The therapist cheered looking at the window.
"I agree. 좋다" Y/n murmured.
"She said 'Nice'." Her dad whispered.

"Please, you should feed her these medications. It will ease her hallucinations and help her sleep." Mrs. Simmons advised the two parents.
"We will doctor. Thank you."

And just like that, they went home.

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