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"Wait a minute...You're an idol?" Tae Hee's eyes widened, while Y/n was waiting to hear the guy's voice one more time. It seemed too familiar for her not to have heard it at least once.
"Ha ha, I meant that I'm neither. Ha ha." The guy's eyes narrowed once again, this time from laughter. Y/n could notice that that was a nervous smile, even if she couldn't see it through the black mask.

" about I help you carry these boxes?" The guy broke the silence.
"Sure, that'd be great." The girls smiled.

"Here goes the last one girls. Hope you spend the days in this new apartment well!"
Y/n got up to accompany the boy to the door.
"Goodbye!" He said opening the door.
"Goodbye Johnny." The ginger said while bowing and staring right back at the man in front of her. His eyes widened.
"I know my biases very well." She laughed and waved her hand, signaling a goodbye.
The guy was left dumbfounded in front of an apartment's door. "That's just not right." He tilted his head as he left the building.

Y/n ran straight to her phone, ready to call Kristen.
"Y/n! I'm taking a shower!" Tae Hee was heard from the bathroom.

She dialed Kristen's Whatsapp, impatiently waiting for him to pick up.
"Jesus Y/n it's  7 am."
"Sorry to call this early in YOUR morning, but I have big news!"
"Johnny Seo, the guy from NCT, might or might've not helped us carry out boxes to our apartment."
"Ok now you're just pranking me. I'm hanging up~"
"Dude we live right across the street from SM Town. The hell you don't believe?"
"Honestly I just wanna sleep. Let's pretend this conversation never happened and tell me the exact same thing 7 hours later." Kristen hung up.
"Little rascal." Y/n sighed.

SM Entertainment Building

"What do you mean she recognized you?" Mark scratched his head.
"Ok let me repeat. There was this ginger, freckled asian looking girl that was a foreigner and I helped her carry some boxes for her new apartment right across the street, and right before I left she said 'Bye Johnny'!"

"He's officially lost it." Haechan scoffed.
"It's been 12 years. Can you blame him?" Taeyong said while staring at the ceiling.

"Hey! Give our Johnny a break." Jaehyun pat his shoulder. "He definitely needs it." Jaehyun bursted out laughing.
"Know what? Nevermind." Johnny gave everyone an intense glare, shutting them up.

Two days later

Johhny walked straight to the bathroom to wash his face. As he looked in the mirror, he still questioned the girl's looks. Maybe they were temporary freckles? Maybe her hair was dyed?
"What was she so straightforward for? She could've just pretended she didn't know me. Is it that hard?" Johnny ruffled his hair. "Whatever. These foreigners keep getting to me."

The studio was packed.
"What's up with the cameras?"
"We're shooting a video for NCT Daily." Taeil responded.
"Oh! That's great."

"Jungwoo! Please enter the studio." The manager shouted from the other room.
"Yes! I understood~!" Jungwoo ran to the door with a smile on his face.

"Yah! Jungwoo is so cute. Like everything he does is so cute." Mark emphasized. "Oh are you filming?"
"Keep that in please." Johnny laughed. "The fans NEED to see that."
Everyone started laughing as the camera kept rolling.

Jungwoo came out as each member went in, one by one.
"We might have to do this again separately."
"Oh no, that won't help Johnny's mental health. He still hasn't gotten over his new pixie fairy." Yuta did a shocked face.
"Dude I told you to stop."
"Guys please stop. Do you remember the last time Johnny got mad?" Doyoung said as he was closing the door.
"Thank you Doyoung." Johnny kept a straight face. "Now back to work."

"I swear to god if I hear 'Bruce Lee' one more time, I'll lose my mind." Mark scoffed while plopping down on the bed.
"Won't we all?" Jaehyun rolled his eyes.
"Well get ready boys! Look forward to the promotions!" Their manager said smirking.
Everyone shifted their eyes to their manager. It was her cue to leave, so she quickly did so.

"Hey! How about we buy some snacks?" Taeyong looked at the members.
"Sure! But who's going to go to the convenience store?" Jaehyun asked.
"Let's all go. That way we'll get what we want." Mark replied.
"Not the best idea, but whatever. Let's go!" Yuta affirmed as they all reached for the door.

The guys entered the nearby store, in search of their preferred snacks. The group was scattered in minutes all over the store.
"Ya! Should we get pocket cheese?" Jaehyun shouted.
"Sure! Get some Gimbab too!" Yuta shout-responded.

They all gathered at the check out, like kids coming back from a play day at school.

"Hi! How may I help you?" A soft voice with a cute accent was heard. Johnny's head shot up and he made eye contact with the girl cashier.
"Ah...We're buying these." Doyoung handed all the snacks they had collected throughout the store.
"Great! That'd be 20,000 won." The girl said with a smile on her face. "Do you want a plastic bag?"
"Y-yeah p-please." Johnny stuttered in embarrassed.
"Okay here you go! Have a nice day!" She greeted the group.

"Hyung, was it her?" Mark asked Johnny as they left the store.

Mischievously innocent || Johnny x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now