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"Don't be ridiculous!" Y/n shoved the guy away. "I'm not ignoring you. I am treating you the way you did."
Y/n cupped the guy's face and placed a kiss on his cheek. "You're so cute."

Johnny stared at the girl in front of him. He was more confused than ever.
"The hell are you doing? I thought we were angry at each other?"
"Were you waiting for make up..." He covered her mouth with his hand.
"No." He blushed.

"Johnny you're lame. Come here so I can pinch your cheeks." Y/n threw herself at Johnny, but he managed to get away.
"Come hereee." She dragged the ending with a very soft voice.
"What is going on in your mind?" He said running for his life. "Once you approach me to get down to business and now you want to baby me?"

Y/n finally got a grip of Johnny's arm and pulled him in with all the energy left in her. She hugged him firmly.
"I cannot breathe." Johnny complained.
"That's how I like it." The girl pinched his cheeks.

"Want to grab boba?" Y/n asked as she put on a shirt.
"So we're good?"
"Of course we're good. Let's get boba."
"Let's go."

The both of them got out of the building. A normal 'couple' would hold hands, but they just kept talking about nonsense.

"Let's sit over there." Johnny pointed at an empty table.

"As I was saying, I'd rather study Sociology than Biology." Johnny sipped his boba drink.
"Are you out of your mind? Biology is way better. Plus everything makes sense because it's logically connected." Y/n furrowed her eyebrows.

"Speaking of Biology...Did you even have time for homework today?"
"Uh...No?" Y/n answered awkwardly. "I went out two times today, but I'll do them as soon as I get home."
"Won't they take a lot of time?" The guy worryingly asked.
"No, don't worry about that."
"If you say so..."
"Biology rocks."
Johnny rolled his eyes and he half smiled at the younger.

The store was half empty by that hour.
"Man, I don't understand why nobody has noticed that you're here. I'd be able to tell only by your voice." Y/n scoffed.
"Do you want the dating clout?"
"No stupid. It just seems like those dramas where everything is in front of the characters, yet they are foolish and don't even notice."
"Woah, that was extremely detailed. Are you sure you're okay?"
"Most definitely."
"You really need to go home and rest." Johnny pat the girl's head.

"Tae Hee! I'm back!"
"Wow, she won't even ask where I was...Some friend I got myself."
"I can HEAR YOU."
"I'm not sorry!"

Y/n rushed to her bag and brought out her lap top. "I really need to get some work done."

"Ah and I'm done!" She stretched her arms and yawned at the same time.
Should I text him? She looked at her phone. As she was unlocking it, a banner pops up.

Are you done?

Yup. It was tiring but I'm finally
gonna sleep nooooowowwwkekek.

I'll be praying for you.

Why lol

You seem mentally ill

Splish splash,
Your opinion is trash.

Hmm honey??
Are you okay?

The girl rubbed her eyes as she saw a glitch on her phone. She took another look at the messages.

You really are so childish.

Call me baby 👉🏻👈🏻

Will do

Oi oi oi :o
Read 11:02pm
Nighty Junoh😗

Nighty Y/n😌

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