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Y/n kissed back unconsciously as the kiss deepened. She extended her arm around the guy's neck and gently took a grip of his hair. She could swear that was heaven because it felt and looked like it.

Johnny on the other hand was enjoying it as much as she was. He impulsively pushed her down so she would be lying on the couch and started leaving trails of kisses from her jaw to her collarbone. He kept biting at a certain spot which left the girl eager for more.

"Off." Y/n demanded Johnny to remove his shirt, which he gladly did.
Things were escalating pretty quickly, when suddenly the girl had a glance at the wall clock.
"It's 2:40!" She whisper-yelled.
She shoved Johnny back and immediately bowed. "I'm so sorry but I have to be at work in 20 minutes." She rushed towards the door, leaving behind a shirtless Johnny.
"What the hell just happened?" He pat his hair.

Y/n went down the stairs, her breath leaving her body every time she took a step. She went through the door and ran to the other building, headed for her apartment.

"What's the rush?" Tae Hee's head snapped up as she saw her friend basically panic over nothing.
"I have work in less than 15 minutes. I need to change."
"Oh." Tae Hee nodded. "But where were you? I thought you had already left for work."
Y/n said nothing as she put on a clean shirt.

"Y/N! What's that on your neck?" The short girl reached for Y/n's jaw and lifted it. "Is that a hickey? Oh my god! It's only been a week here and you're already on it?"
"Tae Hee shut up." Y/n said as she took of the clean shirt and wore a turtle neck instead.
"I'm heading out."
"You owe me an explanation!" The door slammed at Tae Hee's words.

"Yes sir! That would be 20,000 won!" Y/n smiled as she handed over a bag to an old man.
"Thank you young lady. Here you go." The old man smiled. "By the way may I ask you about your age?"
"Ah...I am 18." Y/n said innocently.
"You see...I have a son about 2 years older than you. Would you like me to get you a blind date with him?" The man politely said, leaving Y/n dumbfounded.

"Ah! You see...I'm not in..."
"It's only one blind date. I promise you my son is a very nice guy."
"I actually..."
"I actually have someone right now." Y/n half smiled at the elder, trying not to sound rude.
The man disappointedly looked up and down the girl's face.
"Goodbye." She bowed signaling the man to leave.
"Ah yes, goodbye."

A giggle could be heard in the store.
"Who's there?" Y/n asked as she put her head on the counter.
"Oh sorry! I didn't mean to eavesdrop." An extremely tall guy appeared in front of the front desk.
"Nah it's okay. I guess this happens to everyone." Y/n tilted her head.

"You're so young though. People usually get their first blind date request when they're about 24."
"I guess I'm a very attractive person. Leave me be." The girl smiled as her head was leaning on the counter.
"Sure sure. I can't even see your face to confirm it." The guy rolled his eyes.
The girl lifted her face and that's when realization hit him. She was hiding a blush.

"Awh you're blushing? So cute!" The guy squealed.
"Oh you're a softie I see." Y/n pointed at the boy. "What's your name?"
"It's Daehwi. What about yours?"
"Y/n. Nice to meet you." She extended her hand for a handshake but got nothing in return.
"Ah I'm sorry. You see...I'm foreign, I'm still not used to the Korean greeting ways."
"Oh in that case it's okay."
They both smiled at each other.

Johnny decided to leave his room, as he had been staring at the ceiling for 3 hours. He put on his jacket and went down the stairs.
The street was packed with people coming back from work and others just walking.
He made his way past the store, but then decided to turn back because something was rather weird.

He looked through the glass and saw a certain gingerhead being helped by a very tall yet handsome guy. Invisible fumes were coming out of his ears as he entered the shop, adjusting his mask.

The store was empty due to the second shift ending and Y/n was removing expired items off of the shelves with the help of Daehwi.

"Excuse me." A deep voice was heard from the front desk.
"Coming!" Y/n rushed to the front. "What can I help..." She was met with some familiar angry eyes.
"May I talk to you outside?" Johnny half growled.

They both went out from the back exit and waited about a moment in silence.
"Just what are you doing?" Johnny asked the girl.
"Working? What do you think you're doing?"
"Working? Hanging out with a handsome guy isn't considered working."
"He is helping me." Y/n crossed her arms. "Look I might seem very cocky right now and I'm sorry if I do. I know that we had all THAT just a few hours ago, but that doesn't mean I can't hang out with the opposite sex just because you get jealous."

"Me? Jealous? I just met you!" Johnny exclaimed.
"Exactly my point. But here you are in the back entrance of my work with me arguing, because you saw me being helped by a guy other than you."
Johnny's eyes widened without command and he took a deep breath.
"Whatever." He said as he entered back in.

"You!" He pointed towards Daehwi. "Get closer to her and you won't be able to meet any other girls in your life." Johnny scoffed as he slammed the store's front door.

Mischievously innocent || Johnny x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now