Good day

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"Are you sure about this?" The vice principal yelled so loud that her high pitched voice was heard through the thin walls. "Y/n Martin! You will regret this!" She continued. "Okay then, as you wish Miss Martin."

The woman took her cellular out of her pocket and started softly pressing her fingers to the screen as fast as she could.
"Hello? Am I talking to Y/n's father?" She raised her phone to her right ear.
"Yes. Is this vice principal Chami?" A deep voice was heard on the other side of the phone.
"It is. I wanted to talk to you regarding to your daughter. She will be joining the South Korean exchange program. Every payment you have put for this school year will be transferred to our twin high school in Seoul. Will that be okay with you?"

The man stopped for a few moments. No voice was heard. It was clear that the man was thinking but what exactly was his daughter thinking? She must've not been in her right mind, but again she did love studying abroad. What were he to do? Be a loving but strict dad or a loving dad?
"I'm very confused." Mrs. Martin said. "I'll be around in an hour to talk this through.

The classroom
"You did what?" Five voices were heard, the tones of which were mixed with shock.
"My dad will never accept the program so it's totally fine." The answer was accompanied with an eye-roll.
"That's actually true." Kristen said in realization.
"But imagine if you went..." Vera said as she stared at the wall.
"Dude, I cannot even support myself emotionally. Imagine being alone on the other side of the Eurasia. Nerve wrecking."
"That's also true." Kristen once again said.
"I know." Vera sighed.

Y/n Martin needs to be present at the information desk.
An announcement was heard.

"It's probably my dad. I'm heading out guys. See you!" Y/n left the classroom once again.

"Hey Valerie! Did any of my parents come around?"
"Oh yes, the principal's office." The information lady said while writing something in a piece of paper. "Please take this with you too."
Y/n nodded as she rushed towards the office.

"Hi dad! Hi Miss." She scrunched her nose and she said the latter.
"Great to see you again here Y/n."
The girl looked at her dad and back at the woman.
"Great to see you too." She said nervously.
"Honey. I talked for a bit with the vice principal and the principal. As much as I don't like this I think you made the right decision to study abroad, so you will take the program you wish." Y/n stared at her dad's smile, plastered all over his face. Even his eyes had a smile in them.
Her heart started racing. She was happy but at the same time shocked as regret washed over her.

"It's okay dad haha. You don't have to do this if you don't like it."
"Y/n it's your future we're talking about. Exchange programs are very much appreciated from any college. You can also learn to be independent." Her dad put his hand on her shoulder. "Go enjoy life."

The flustered student gulped and only a low "Ok." could be heard.
"Great then it's all set. Y/n will be in an exchange program of 4 semesters in Seoul, South Korea, starting next week." The woman's voice was heard.
"Great." Y/n thought.

Okay so, as I said throughout this whole video: Korean culture is very hierarchical. Never forget that you should radiate respect for everyone at anytime or place. Until next video, bye!

Y/n whined. "Elders, elders, elders, seniors and more ELDERS."
"Y/n stop yelling and finish packing your things. We'll leave for the airport at 1am." A woman's voice was heard from the downstairs store.
"Ok mom!"
Y/n squealed as she took her phone in her hands and called Kristen.

"Dude I can't comprehend what I'm about to do."
"The way you just did the dumbest thing in this world...I'm actually proud of you boo." Kristen laughed.
"Ugh. Why don't you come with?"
"To the airport? Su.."
"No! KOREA!" Y/n yelled frustrated.
"Y/n can you stop being so fussy and appreciate the fact you're going to be in the same land as every beautiful kpop idol." Kristen rolled his eyes.
"There you go again." The girl hung up and started jumping around in her room.
"Ok Y/n. You can do this! You love Korea? Right?? Of course you're going to have fun. Stop. Over. Thinking. How bad can it be?

I'm actually wheezing at the fact that I found the dumbest reason for a person to take an exchange program lolol.

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