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"Is anything bothering you?" Johnny asked the girl, who had been staring at him for quite a while.
"Ah! No. Nothing's bothering me." She replied, hands on her knees, as if she was trying to refrain her emotions.
"It's okay. You can tell me."
"Would you like it if I were straightforward?"
"It doesn't matter as long as it's the truth."
"Are you sure about that?"
"Yes Y/n I..."
"I was wondering what's it like to have you on top." The girl said in a rush and then covered her face, not to let the guy see her blushing, even though it was dark.

"What did you just say?!" Johnny almost choked on his words. He was unable to even make a proper sentence, but he had to remain calm so she wouldn't feel uncomfortable. "Uncomfortable? This girl just went for it like there was no tomorrow. I'm the one that's uncomfortable." He thought

"I...Everybody has these thoughts when they meet you, I can guarantee you that." She tried to justify her words.
"I can imagine."
"No really they do!"
"They might...but they never should express them." Johnny crossed his arms.
"That's why I hesitated Johnny. Besides I'm an 18 year old girl that's met one of her biases. The hell do you expect me to think?"
"Oh so I can never be a friend, but rather a sexual desire?" 'I'm offended' could be seen all over Johnny's facial expressions.

"Stop it Johnny. It's not like that! A teenager thinks of everyone as a potential sex partner. Please don't make this any weirder than it is."
"Ok I'll pretend we never had this conversation...And that you just want to have a go with me on THAT department." He smirked at the girl.
"Great! Now you just seem like a predator."
"I'd love for you to shut it Miss 'I want you on top of me'."
"We never had this conversation!" Y/n half yelled as she turned around, arms crossed.
Johnny started laughing once again, while Y/n pouted on the receiving end.

"Thanks for walking with me." Y/n said with her head lowered.
"What's up with the formalities all of a sudden?" The guy asked in confusion. Seeing the girl showing this type of respect felt scary.
"Please stop this I feel like I'm 10 years older than you. It's weird."
"But you are 7 ye..."
"I don't wanna hear it." Johnny covered his ears and closed his eyes.

"Goodnight Johnny!" She greeted in English and ran straight to the building's entrance.
"Goodnight..." He looked at the now closed door, as if he wanted to follow her in.
"She's wild."

Y/n entered the apartment, thoughts running her mind like it was a marathon. She couldn't keep still after what she had just done. She looked around the room only to find Tae Hee sleeping soundly. That was a relief. If Tae Hee was still awake, she would've probably told her roommate everything.
"I'm so stupid!" Y/n muttered as she got a grip of her shirt, ready to change. "Ugh why do you always have to be so honest? Stop it for god sake! You're going to set yourself up for failure!"

As she was thinking, she did realize something rather peculiar. Y/n had always been brutally honest with everyone, even with VERY hot people, but she never felt flustered. She would go on and on about how they would make a great fuckbuddy, but yet she got all embarrassed when saying that to Johnny.
"He is an idol after all, of course I'd behave like that." She duh-ed herself. "But no, he is a human beforehand an idol. Why did I have to blush?" That thought stayed in her mind through out the whole night, not letting her to get a proper sleep until 3 am.

"Haechan! I'm back!" Johnny said as he opened the door with a bag on his hand. "And I got us some snacks."
Haechan was seen running to the door with a big smile on his face.
"Hyung you didn't have to!" He said as he basically ripped the bag off of Johnny's hands.
"Snacks?" Mark and Doyoung's voices were heard from the living room.
"Oh hi guys!" Johnny greeted them.

The four boys were sitting down on the couch, extremely focused on the Kdrama.
"I cannot believe he went to the future!" Haechan exclaimed.
"This is so cool!" Doyoung followed.
"Dude! What the hell?! He was his colleague, and the chief didn't recognize him, EVEN THOUGH HE LOOKS THE SAME AS HE DID 30 YEARS AGO?" Mark half shouted at the TV.
"Please Mark, if that ever happens to me and you don't recognize me...I'll kill you with my own hands." Johnny said towards Mark.
"I would never."
"We would never." The three boys said in unison.
"Thank you." Johnny grinned.

It was 3 am and Johnny was still awake. "Ah! I wish I had her number. I want to mess with her for a bit." Johnny looked at ceiling.
"Wonder what it would be like..." He wandered off in his mind.
"Johnny stop. She is just a young girl. You're acting like an immature kid." He mentally slapped himself as he fell asleep.

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