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The sun rays shone through the foggy window, making their way to a short girl's face. She was sleeping soundly and everything had followed her lead. Silence was dominant until an alarm sound was heard.

"Turn it off!" Tae Hee said as she covered her face due to the intense light.
Y/n rubbed her eyes and shrugged the order off. She planned on falling back asleep, when she realized what was going on.

"Get up! We're gonna be late for school!" She shook her bed trying to make some noise.
Tae Hee jumped up, more confused than ever.
"It's already Monday?"
Both girls rushed to the bathroom to wash up.
"Hey make some room!" Y/n screeched as she brushed her teeth.
"Shut up and finish up!"

Two polar opposites were seen leaving the cream colored building. The gingerhead and the short girl looked so youthful. They were both wearing their school uniforms with their name tags sewn on their shirts.
"Hey I'm getting kimbap here. Want to enter the store with me?" Tae Hee asked her friend.
"Yes, sure."

Both girls went to the front desk as they bowed down.
"Morning Dasom." Y/n greeted her co worker.
"Morning Y/n!" She checked the food items and smiled at the two girls. "Have a great first day!"
"Thank you~" Once again they bowed.

The school building was almost like a campus, but it didn't surprise the girls as much. They went through the gates and straight into the interior area of the institution. Immediately, they were met with a ton of new faces, staring them down.

"Tae Hee I'm afraid we have to part ways here." Y/n said. "You need to go to the year 2 area."
"I know. Don't get lost and call me when you're done." Tae Hee waved. "Bye!"

Noise and chaos were spread all over the hallway, with students running up and down.
They seemed too energetic for Y/n's taste.
Please be nice, please be nice. Y/n crossed her fingers as she opened the classroom's door.

The door opened, triggering the students' curiosity. They immediately glued their eyes to the entrance until a feminine figure was seen.
"Waaah!" One of the guys exclaimed as Y/n entered the class.

"Oh! Good morning! Are you, by any chance, miss Martin?" A middle aged man stood in front of her.
"Good morning! Yes." The girl bowed in sign of respect to who looked like a teacher.

"Ok class! Attention please! Here we have an exchange student. Please introduce yourself."
"Hi everyone~! I am Y/n Martin and I'll be your new classmate. Please treat me well~!" She said with the biggest smile on her face, trying to seem as nice as possible.
"Great! Please sit down on the empty seat by the window." The man directed her.

Y/n headed to her seat, hanging her bag on the side of her desk. Right after the man left, all eyes were on her.
"Oh my god! You are so pretty!" A girl squealed.

Should I thank her? No Y/n! That's considered rude! Don't seem too cocky.

"Ahh! Not as much as you~" Y/n shook her hands lightly towards the girl.
"Wait..." A guy suddenly jumped up. "That's not a usual korean accent. That sound like..."
"A North Korean accent?" Another head shot up. "I just saw Crash Landing On You and she sounds just like those characters."
"Oh my god! Are you sure you haven't escaped?" A girl chuckled.

"Actually I'm a wasian. I have nothing to do with North Korea." Y/n ironically smiled. "You can even notice that by my last name."
"True..." The same guy said.
"Thank you for initiating a conversation with me since the first day." Y/n bowed as she was seated. "I really appreciate it."

The student were caught off guard by the sudden gratitude as the ones facing Y/n bowed back to her.

"Okay students." An American accent echoed in the classroom. "Could you all participate in this 'fill in the blank' exercise?"
"Yes~" The whole class said in unison.
"Okay let's start." The teacher rubbed her hands together. "Ginger head. By the window. I've never seen you here. Do you want to have a go?"
"Sure." She stood up.

As nice as the woman was, she practically tested every little knowledge of B2 she could think of.
"You're very good at English." The woman congratulated Y/n.
"Thank you. I've been taking it since kindergarten."
"Is that legal?" A girl's voice was heard, causing the whole class to burst out in laughter.
"You're so dumb right now." Another girl scoffed at the younger.

"Hi! Could you not put radish in my lunch?" The girl politely asked.
"Sure!" The lunch lady put the radish back in the bowl. "Eat well."
"Thank you!" She bowed and then left to find a seat.

"Hey Y/n! Here!" Tae Hee's voice was heard.
Y/n headed to the table, which the voice came from and sat down.
"Guys, this is my roommate Martin Y/n."
"Oh! You weren't kidding when you said she was exotic!" A blond guy exclaimed as he stared at Y/n.

"Why did you move here?" An unusual masculine accent was heard.
"Why did you move here?" Y/n said back at the boy. "You're clearly foreign."
"I like it here."
"I like it here as well."

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