Chapter 5

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The crowd was scary. The pounding music was insane. But the screaming fans were near overwhelming. I liked it. I liked it for one reason only.

Owl City.

The time had finally come for the concert. I cheered and sang along, unlike some of the mopers who stood there in silence, watching the man perform intently, and I was definitely not like the groups of teenage girls who screamed so loud you wondered how your ears could pick up a frequency that high. No, I was the normal, dedicated fan.

A fan of the man currently on stage singing his heart out. 

To add to my excitement, the seat I had was in the front row, causing me to only be a few feet away from Adam Young. This fact alone made my heart race. 

I jumped along to the beat of 'I'm Coming After You' and sang along to every word. I felt young and carefree, like all those mistakes I made didn't matter. The experience was exhilarating. I wished I could feel this every day. I put all my cares behind me at that moment, including Owen, Sophia, my Mother, my job, everything. For now, I was young. I was free. I was me.

"Wooh Wooh Wooh! I'm coming after you! Wooh wooh wooh! I'm coming after you!" I sang the silly lyrics between giggles. That song always made me laugh, no matter what mood I was in. 

The giggling was making me feel like a child, but in a good way. Everyone needed to giggle once in a while. I personally thought it was healthy, because at that moment, I felt fantastic. 

Looking up and seeing Adam a few feet away from me was insane. I wondered how I could still feel so anxious about being hear him when a few hours ago I had a conversation with him. A legit conversation. He now knew my name. I knew his- well, on a first name basis anyway. 

The song ended, making for cheers and screams to erupt in the stadium, causing the walls to slightly shake. Adam laughed and took a bow. 

Everyone grew silent as he walked over to the piano. Every fan of his knew exactly what song he was going to sing next. This song happened to be my absolute favorite. Silhouette. 

It was amazing how a stadium full of screaming people can turn to silence so quickly. Everyone showed respect to the man about to sing a song that came from the bottom of his heart, a song so full of emotion. I looked around the crowd, amazed at how we all knew exactly what was coming.

He began playing the opening piano solo. I had listened to the song at least a hundred times, but in person it gave me chills. Still looking around, my eyes fell on a familiar profile. Their head was turned, so I couldn't get a good glimpse of the girl's face. The profile along send another shiver shooting up my spine, but I couldn't put my finger on the name or where I knew her from

"I'm tired of waking up in tears,

'Cause I can't put to bed these phobias and fears." 

Adam began singing, but my focus had turned to the girl. Why did she look so familiar?

She turned towards me, and our eyes locked. My heart stopped. It was her.

My mind flashed back to that one night. The night that changed my entire life. My entire being. The reason my mother hated me. The reason I couldn't hold a steady job. 

'It was just supposed to be a stupid joke. Accidents happen,' I told myself, but I knew deep down it wasn't just a stupid joke. That her getting hurt and put in a hospital for months wasn't an accident. I had done it on purpose. 

Fear flashed through the girl's eyes, the same fear she showed that night. The look she gave me mirrored the look I earned from her on that night. I felt tears of shame pricking at my eyes. I turned my attention to Adam, still singing. 

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