Chapter 12

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I held my breath as the nurse pushed me along through the hallway in the wheelchair. I was going to see Adam. My pulse quickened at the very thought, and I bit my lip in pure nervousness. I was afraid to see him. What if I had severely injured him? It was all my fault he was in the situation he was now in. I didn't need to add another stress to his life, but like the complete moron I was, I did. I had probably ruined it. 'At least he won't forget me now,' I thought to myself. However, I almost would prefer he would. 

It seemed to take forever to get there. I wondered how many miles long the hospital was. It felt as if hours were passing, when in reality, they were probably only seconds. I needed to see Adam. I couldn't live with myself if I didn't.

Finally we approached a room. The curtain was shut, and all the lights were turned off. I looked up to the nurse, and she smiled sympathetically.

"Don't worry, your boyfriend just asked if we could make his room as dark as possible. Not sure why, though," the nurse said consolingly. 

"He's not my boyfriend," I grumbled once more.

She shrugged, and walked ahead of me, pushing the door open enough so she could fit my awkwardly large wheel chair through the opening. Once she was satisfied the entrance way was large enough, she nodded once, and walked to the back of my wheelchair to push me in through the doorway and past the curtain.

The sight before me made my heart break. I mean, not literally of course. But it certainly did hurt.

Adam lay there on his side, facing the window and away from the door. It was extremely dark in the room, nearly black. However, his figure remained illuminated by the lights from the machine. He had an IV hooked up to his wrist, and a breathing tube in his nose. There were other things too- one attached to his right pointer finger, and another to his ankle. His breathing seemed shaky, and he had scratches and bruises all over.

"Adam. Adam! Are you awake?" the nurse asked in a voice ten times sweeter than the one she had used with me.

The figure didn't move. He lay there motionless, aside from his shaking breathing.

"Adam, someone is here for you!" she sang out.

He still didn't move.

She sighed. "I guess he's still sleeping. Let's just leave him."

"No, I need to be with him right now," I whispered, feeling tears prick at my eyes at the thought of being torn away from Adam again. 

She sighed. "Alright. I'll leave you here. Call one of us in here when he wakes up, we have more questioning we'd like to do with him."

I nodded. "Thank you," I whispered, not wanting to awake the weak figure sleeping peacefully before me.

She took one last look at Adam before prancing out, leaving the two of us broken beings to ourselves. Using what little strength I had left in my arms, I wheeled myself closer to Adam's bed. I sat there in complete silence, watching him from behind in his content state.

Suddenly, his voice rang out. "Maddie? Maddie is that you?"

My eyes grew wide. "You're awake?"

Slowly, he shifted his position, wincing in pain at the little movement he was allowing himself to do. My breath got cut short at seeing his face. He had scratches everywhere, and had a large white gauze over a spot on his forehead. The gauze, however, was not enough to stop the blood, for it still showed.

A smile grew on his face, though, illuminating every broken feature. "I really wasn't sleeping, you know."

I scrunched my eyebrows in confusion. "What?"

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