♔ | meeting wayv

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Mabel already knew most of the boys in the new sub-unit, WayV, but had been told of 3 new members. Xiaojun, Hendery and Yangyang.

As she put in her earrings, she checked her outfit in the mirror. She thought she looked decent enough for the day, so settled on what she was wearing and walked out of her shared bedroom, phone in hand.

 She thought she looked decent enough for the day, so settled on what she was wearing and walked out of her shared bedroom, phone in hand

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She strolled into the kitchen and quickly grabbed a cereal bar, along with an apple. Belle took a small but sharp knife and started to cut up the fruit; she much preferred to eat it this way.

"Hey Belle," Johnny greeted her as he walked in.
"Morning~" She sung in a cheery voice.
"What's got you in a good mood today? It's barely 10am yet."
"I'm not sure really. I just woke up feeling extra good about tod- OW!"

Mabel looked down and saw that whilst she was talking to Johnny, she clearly wasn't paying attention and the knife went in the wrong place. She had a cut on her left hand, just underneath the thumb where it bent (in between the palm so it was gonna hurt later).

"Jesus, what're we gonna do with you? You're not usually this clumsy," Johnny said whilst taking the spare box of plasters kept in the kitchen for things like this. They were only there because of Haechan.

Johnny helped her clean everything up, and Belle ate her breakfast. She carried on throughout her morning without any more hiccups, thank God.

"Mabel are you ready to go now?" Taeyong yelled from the front door.
"Yep! Coming!" She replied, slipping on her sock and heading towards the front doors get her black boots.

10 minutes later and they were all at the SM building, waiting to meet the 3 new boys. 127 were there, along with Dream and U. Basically, all 19 members were waiting patiently.

To say Mabel was excited would to be an understatement. She was beyond ecstatic to meet them; mainly because she wanted to know what they were like and get to know them more. She'd always liked having lots of friends, whether they be boys or girls.

After what felt like a lifetime waiting, their manager walked into the room, with 3 boys in tow.

"Everyone, this is Xiaojun, Hendery and Yangyang. They have joined NCT under the new sub-unit, WayV. I hope you can all welcome them, and get along well. I'll give you some time to get to know each other." Their manager walked out of the room, and shut the door tightly behind him.

A small awkward silence washed upon the group. The people who already knew the 3 boys were waiting for the others to make a move, but the others didn't know what to do.

Could these boys speak Korean? Would they understand them at all? How were they going to say anything if they couldn't? Everyone was quite busy in thought, not moving. Nobody noticed Belle walking over to the new boys.

"Hi. I'm Mabel, but you can call me Belle." She spoke in Mandarin. She was nervous to speak it out loud to them, as she's only ever practised with Kun or Winwin before.
"Hello. I'm Xiaojun." One of them said, and bowed slightly.

Mabel was slightly speechless. He was quite attractive. In fact, they all were.
"I'm Yangyang."
"My name's Kunhang, but everyone calls me Hendery."

"I'm sorry about them. I think they're a bit nervous or overwhelmed." Belle spoke, feeling proud of herself for putting together a decent sentence.

"Your Mandarin is good!" Yangyang exclaimed.
"Oh thank you. I'm still learning. Kun teaches me."
"Do you understand everything?" Xiaojun asked.
"No. I try but not everything." Belle turned around and motioned for the rest to come over and introduce themselves.

Everybody introduced themselves in Korean instead of Chinese because of the boys were signed at the company, they must know some Korean, right?
The rest of that day went really well. The whole group got along swimmingly, and shared stories of each other. Embarrassing ones, funny ones, just about everything.

They probably sat in the practise room for 3 hours talking and getting to know each other. Mabel didn't come across many problems with Chinese, mainly because people like Kun, Winwin, Lucas etc were around to help her. But also because she learned that the 3 new boys could in fact speak some Korean and even English.

"How come you're the only girl in the group?" Hendery asked.

Mabel held a blank look on her face whilst trying to figure out what he said, but didn't understand anything except from 'girl'. She cocked her head up and thought before looking pointedly towards Lucas who was sat next to her.

"He said; Why are you the only girl?" Lucas translated it for her.
"Oh," Belle realised she couldn't explain it all in Mandarin so she spoke in Korean while someone translated it for her.

"Well when I was a trainee, the company believed I didn't fit in with any of the girl trainees here at the time. I was told that my talent would 'go to waste' as I was capable of doing much more, so I was asked if I would be okay with joining a male group. I said yes but I didn't know what I was getting myself into. I didn't realise it was NCT. I knew that it was the expandable group, so I maybe expected more girls to join but then I found out that they didn't want any more girls in it. So that's why I'm the only girl." She explained.

Out of the corner of her eye, she could see Kun and Ten trying to explain what she was talking about, (because Xiaojun held a confused face) and Ten was struggling. But he still wanted to improve his Chinese so it helped him anyways.

That day, Belle made 3 new friends. 3 people she would never forget.

The day NCT became 22 members.

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