♔ | Belle and her members

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Belle really didn't want to be at this fan meeting. She had gotten zero hours of sleep the night before, with Johnny and Haechan staying up playing video games next door to her. Then this morning, they were all out of coffee so she couldn't have any to wake herself up. Then, Yuta stole the shower and there was no time for her to have one. And then, worse yet, they had also run out of her favourite cereal. So she had t had a very good day so far.

As she sat waiting for the next girl to come to her, she played with her hands under the table and sighed. It had been like this since the meet begun, people taking longer on Jaehyun before moving to her. Just as she looked up and thought that the girl was going to move, Belle saw the fan walk straight past her and onto Doyoung.

A flash of hurt was clearly evident on Mabel's face, but she tried not to let the other fans notice. However, she quickly plastered a smile on her face and looked out into the crowd.

Doyoung was quick to notice how the fan had skipped Belle, and how she had looked bothered by it. So he picked up his microphone and spoke to the crowd;
"Everyone, please don't skip our little Belle here. She's just as much of a part of NCT as the rest of us and she deserves to be recognised. So please, don't move or be rude. Thank you,"

A smile crept it's way onto Mabel's face as she looked at the boy beside her.
"Thank you oppa,"
"It's alright, Mi-Ok. Just let me know if it happens again." He clasped her small hands in his and squeezed them, offering a smile.


Mabel was chilling in the practise room, watching the Dreamies practise. She wasn't involved in this comeback, and told them she would give corrections as she watched. The boys slowly went through their dance once. Then up to speed without the music.

"Jeno. Try not to throw your arms away at the end of that move. It looks sloppy. Finish off the line." She told him and he nodded, doing it again. He got it right and they carried on with the dance.

Around an hour later, they finished up for the day. All of the boys went to collect their bags, some taking out water bottles and drinking them. She noticed how when Renjun took his out, it was full and when he opened it to take a drink, he only took a sip. Belle looked unamused and stood up, walking over to him. He noticed her and quickly shoved his bottle into his bag before she could see.

"Renjun-oppa." He gulped.
"Why aren't you drinking?"
The truth was he just felt sick and drinking made him feel even worse, "I am, that's my second bottle today." He lied to her.
"Haing Renjun. You can't lie to me. What's the matter?" She asked more gently, placing her hand on his shoulder. He sat down on the floor, pulling Mabel down with him.

"I usually don't get like this, but I started to feel really ill about 30 minutes ago. I didn't say anything because I should be able to carry on and just ignore it; that's what professionals do. But it just got worse, and whenever I drink it makes me feel worse." He explained.

Belle put her hand on his forehead and no surprise he was boiling. She wasn't sure if it was just from dancing, and the fact he was wearing a thick black hoodie, but she knew it wasn't normal.

"Come on, lets just get you home. We'll check if your have a fever there but for now, you need to rest." She helped him up and carried his bag to the car. When they got in, he thanked her for always looking after them. Mabel smiled in return.


Johnny, Mabel, Yuta, Mark and Taeil were doing a v-live. They were all joking around lots, paying attention to everything but the live. Johnny and Taeil were looking at something on their phone. Mark was drawing something on the floor, not sure why, and Yuta and Mabel were actually paying attention to the fans.

"Mabel, would you date any of the other members or even another idol?" Yuta read out from the comments.

Belle blushed and laughed off the awkwardness. "Well, I guess some of the boys are cute and nice enough to date. But with being in the same group, it would be hard. As for other idols, yeah there's some people that kind of catch my eye," Belle laughed, "But again, with our jobs it would be difficult with schedules and the media."

"I'm one of the people in our group you would date, right?" Yuta asked cheekily.
"Oh of course, Yuta. You're top of my list." Mabel replied, squishing his cheeks and cooing at him. Mark briefly looked up at them but reverted his attention back to his drawing.

Yuta wrapped his arm around Mabel and pulled her closer to him while she giggled at what he was doing. Fans were going crazy in the comments but the pair just laughed at them.

"Ah, yes everybody. Me and Belle have been going on a few dates recently. We're very happy together. Plus, she's a great kisser." Yuta jokingly said to the fans.
"Yah!" Belle hit him for being so stupid. Of course their manager was going to tell them off for this.
"I bet you're all so jealous that I get Belle to myself. And that I get to go on dates with her, and that I'm the one who gets to kiss her." Yuta carried on talking about his and Mabel's 'relationship'.
"We're going on a date tonight. And when we get home..." he thought for a moment, "Ramen and go?" He smirked at Belle who was speechless and what he was saying.
"Oh," She decided to just go along with it, knowing it will get her in trouble, "Well, baby. Get ready. I'm gonna take you to Hong Kong."

Yuta smirked even bigger and grabbed her hand, both of them standing up.
"Everyone, we have to go now. We'll see you later." He dragged Mabel out of the screen as she was laughing her head off at their immaturity.

To say that Johnny, Mark and Taeil were shocked at the two, would be an understatement. That was gonna get them into trouble, for sure.

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