♔ | prank - pt 2

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Mabel woke up and groggily rubbed her eyes. She squinted at the bright light streaming through the curtains as she glanced over to Doyoung's bed, surprised to see it empty. She picked up her phone from the nightstand and saw that her package was due between 2:00pm and 5:00pm that day. Perfect.

As Belle scrolled through her phone, she suddenly remembered that if Doyoung came back into the room, she would have to act all sick. So she opened up her messages and text both Haechan and Jaehyun that 'Operation Pregnant Mabel: was in progress.'

A squeak of the door handle turned her attention away from her phone as she laid it down quickly and started acting.

"Good morning Mimi." Mabel groaned in response.
"Are you alright darling?" A concerned looking Doyoung walked over to Mabel who was laying with the blankets covering her almost up to her face. She shook her head.

After Doyoung checked her over, he suggested that she stay in bed for the morning and head over to the company later in the afternoon. But Mabel insisted that she's be okay to go all day. Reluctantly, Doyoung agreed but told her to tell him if she was ever feeling sick again throughout the day.


The prank had gone perfectly so far. Jaehyun has been 'annoying' her all day which made her 'moody'. Their manager had met them all go home early that day which made it even better to set the big part of the prank up.

"Oh, Mi-Ok. There's a package for you here." Yuta's voice was heard from the front of the dorm door. A brown box was handed back until it reached Mabel who thanked Yuta.

"What is it?" Mark asked.
"Honestly, I've no idea. I probably ordered it so long ago that I forgot." Mabel lied to him. She hated lying. But she was so far into the prank now. And it was all for fun anyways.

Later that night, everyone had eaten and the fake pregnancy test was in place. Belle took a blanket from her bed and wrapped herself in it, getting ready to put on another act. As she walked into the living room sniffling, a few people looked towards her.

"Hey Belle, you okay?" Johnny asked, looking up from his phone.
"Yeah, I just don't feel good that's all." Mabel replied, taking a seat next to Jaehyun on the couch.
"You don't look good Belle," Jaehyun said and felt her forehead, making a confused face, "Jungwoo, can you please go get me the thermometer? It's underneath the sink in the bathroom."

Luckily Jungwoo was nearest to the door so he nodded and went out of the room to retrieve the thermometer. Everyone's eyes were on Mabel as she sat with the blanket wrapped around her.

She knew that the boys didn't like seeing her in 2 states: upset or sick. They didn't like her being sick because they knew that she would push herself and make herself sicker. So they were worried she'd do that again.

"Doyoung hyung!" A faint yell was heard from somewhere in the dorm, coming from the direction of the bathroom. Doyoung glanced towards the hall and stood up in confusion, walking towards where Jungwoo was also coming down. In his hand was a white stick, but rather too big to be a thermometer.

He found it.

Jungwoo showed Doyoung, who studied it for a moment before taking it and turning around.

"Mabel. What's this?" He asked, whilst holding up the pregnancy test in his hand.

All of the members stared at it, including Jaehyun who pretended he didn't know what was going on. Taeyong stood and went over to Doyoung, taking the test out of his hand. It was dead silent in the dorm for a moment, you could hear a pin drop. Until...

"It's positive?!" Taeyong shouted and glared towards Belle. Everyone's eyes widened and looked back towards Belle who was curled up in her blanket, a scared look on her face.

"Mi-Ok! Do you know how serious this is? Why didn't you tell us? Something could have been sorted out!" Taeyong was shouting at her, still looking down towards the test, refusing to believe what he was seeing was true.

Jaehyun has moved from the couch to pacing back and forth with his hand over his mouth in fake disbelief. Yuta was sat next to Mark who were both equally as shocked to do anything. Johnny was curiously typing on his phone and Taeil had moved towards Belle. Haechan was sat where he was before, trying not to pay any attention to the scene going in in front of him. Taeyong and Doyoung were talking to each other loudly, almost seeming like they had disregarded what was going on and Jungwoo stood with a disappointed look on his face.

"Who's the father?" Taeyong's voice boomed at Belle, causing her to genuinely jump at the volume. She didn't answer.
"Who's. The. Father?" Taeyong asked again, through gritted teeth. He was evidently mad. Once again, Belle didn't say a thing, only looking down into her lap where she was playing with her hands.

She felt a hand rubbing circles onto her back and looked to see Taeil with a soft look on his face, "Belle. Who is it?" He asked gently, with concern in his eyes.

"H- It's -uh i-"
"Hurry up." Doyoung said, his voice sounding more aggressive than it usually was.

Belle gulped and shut her eyes tightly. It was time. She licked her lips before saying,

Silence completely filled the room.

"What?" a small whisper was heard. Mabel knew the voice well enough to know it was Jungwoo.

All eyes immediately went onto Haechan now.

"Hyung, let me explain-" Haechan started but got cut off by Taeyong.
"You did this! You! Why were you even with her in the first place? How stupid can you be? Are you not aware of what happens when you're not careful?! This, Donghyuck," Taeyong held up the pregnancy test. Mabel watched in horror at his outburst and tears pricked at her eyes, "THIS! HOW COULD YOU BE SO CARELESS?!" He screamed in Haechan's face. They were so close, Belle was scared of what Taeyong would do.

Mabel had had enough and jumped up, shoving herself between the 2 boys. Tears ran down her face as she pushed Taeyong away.
"Stop! Stop it! This isn't his fault!" She pleaded.

"Of course it is. Now. Move. Doyoung, take her to your room. Don't let them be near each other."

Mabel's hand was grabbed by someone, quite forcefully might she add, and dragged away from the group. She didn't beg or tell him to stop, Doyoung take her away. When he got to their room, he sat her on her bed and told her to stay there until he came back so him and Taeyong could talk with her.

A few minutes later, Belle hears a knock at the door. Jaehyun walked in with soft eyes, searching for Belle who was curled up in her bed. He walked over and engulfed her in a massive hug.

"It's gone too far. What do we do?" She whispered.
"We have to try sort it out."

"What if they don't believe us?"
"They have to. And if they don't trust you enough to tell the truth, they shouldn't be your friends." He answered as she gave out a small chuckle.

"That's not going to work. They're my members, they have to be my friends" Mabel replies with a smile gracing her lips. Jaehyun just shrugged and pulled her back into a hug.

God, she hoped everything would get sorted out.

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