♔ | oh my god

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Mabel tells Lucas the exciting news

(it sounds like she's telling him she's pregnant, don't worry she's not 😂)

A harsh knock was heard at the door and Taeil went to answer it. Lucas came shuffling through the house, his hands stuffed into his pockets as it was fairly cold outside. Immediately, Belle jumped up and crushed him in a hug to which he gladly returned.

"What is it you wanted to tell me?" Lucas asked after they sat down.
"Well, I was going through some old stuff with Jungwoo today and we found some old photos of me and a boy from when I went on a trip to Hong Kong, aaaand... here." She said as she handed him the photos to look at.

As he looked through them, his eyes widened. Shocked, he glanced back up at Mabel who was sat there with a beaming smile.
"This is you?"
"That's me."
"I know."
"We knew each other?"
"Apparently so."
"Oh my god!" He pulled Mabel into another hug as she squeezed him back, laughing.

The two's quick encounter made everyone in the room laugh along with them. When they pulled away, they were still smiling at each other and both still surprised at the news.


The next day, Belle was finally allowed to get back to practise. Well, she was allowed back into the building and to tag along to their dance practises. She wasn't allowed to dance, just do gentle movements until her anaemia had sorted itself out so she wouldn't pass out.

Carefully stretching her legs at the side of their practise room, she watched as the boys just ran through some dances. They decided to clean up 'Fire Truck' as they hadn't done it in so long, just so it was perfect the next time they did it. They ran the dance once and focused on the parts that needed to be cleaned up.

"Should I join in?" Belle's voice rang out through the room. All the boys have her a look as if she were crazy.
"You shouldn't. It's too much Mi-Ok. You can't do a front walkover right now anyways because it'll just make you dizzy." Taeyong warned her.

"I'll be fine. I won't do the front walkover if it makes you happy," She replied, standing up and taking off her hoodie which was keeping her limbs warm and moving fluidly. She heard a few of the boys sigh and Mark mumble something along the lines of 'She better be careful.' She inwardly smiled at his words and took her position, ready for them to start working on it.

Around an hour later they had cleaned up the parts of the dance they needed to, reinforcing the lifts too so they were stronger. Belle was feeling a little warm, so she quickly threw off her t-shirt (which was actually Yuta's) and went to grab her water bottle from the side of the room. Realising she'd finished it all, she excused herself to the boys to go grab another one from the refrigerator in the artists cafe. When she arrived she bumped into Kun who was also going to get a bottle of water.

"Kun!" She greeted happily as he turned around at the mention of his name. A smile made it's way onto his face when he saw it was Mabel.
"Hi Belle," He chuckles at her and gave her a small side hug. She took a bottle of water from the fridge and faced him again.
"How are you doing? Album preparations hard?" She asked whilst opening her bottle and taking a sip.
"Yeah it's hard, but we're excited. I should be the one asking how you are! None of us have seen you since you went into hospital."

"Oh me? I'm fiiiine," She dismissed him with her hand, "I've not felt like I was about to pass out since it happened. I had a few fun days at home anyways. Hey! Did you know me and Xuxi we're friends when we were little?" Her cute voice spoke to him.
"Yeah! It was from some time I went to Hong Kong when I was 7. Anyways, I'd best be off to practise and so should you. I'll see you soon." She spoke to him quickly (him not exactly gathering what the rush was all about) and turned to head back before she heard her name being called out.
"You might want to hurry. I don't want anyone to see you in that out here." He motioned to her outfit and she remembered she was only in some leggings and a sports bra now. She blushed and nodded, saying a quick bye and running off towards the stairs.

Speedily, she made it back to the practise room where everyone else was waiting for her. She was out of breath and burst through the door with red cheeks. What a stupid idea to run up 4 flights of stairs.

"Are you alright?" Jungwoo came over, his eyes full of concern. Belle looked up and smiled at him through her eyelashes.
"I'm okay. I just decided to run up the stairs. I didn't realise how much effort it would take." She panted our before taking another swig if her water.
"Are you sure? I don't want you overworking yourself again." He told her worriedly.

She picked him on the cheek quickly before telling him she was fine and that she'll tell someone if she's feeling bad. Jungwoo turned back around and watched Mabel cheerily skipped to Johnny, jumping and putting her hands on his shoulders. He smiled to himself. Everyone got in their positions for 'Punch' so they could run it before having to film a special version for YouTube.

Soon, the night was over. They had run some of their dances, filmed a video and Belle was doing alright thankfully. They made their way home where they all immediately went to their rooms to change. None of them saw each other for the rest of the night, they were too unsociable for that. So Belle just laid in her bed, on her phone whilst Twice played through her ears.

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