Chapter 8

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It was the middle of the night and my head was banging. I had managed to make it back to my apartment in one piece despite looking as if I had been in a fight with a giant mascara in a wind tunnel. Make up was running down my face and in an attempt to wipe it off, I had rubbed it and made it worse. The train ride home was certainly one I did not want to remember.

As I tossed and turned in my bed, I couldn't help but feel distraught. Not only had the CEO of one of the biggest record labels shouted at my face, I just didn't know where I stood with Seunghyun. He blew so hot and cold, like an Arctic chill in the Sahara Desert. I felt upset for Seungri and Jiyong: they had been injured because of my stupidity. How would that affect their upcoming schedule? I resigned myself to the fact that I wouldn't heard from them again. It would be awkward going into work and seeing Ban Yu-mi as she would bound to hear what happened from Seunghyun at some point.

I shook my head, trying to get thoughts of the evening and the boys out of my mind forever. With a heavy heart, I wondered if this life in Seoul was for me? Maybe I should pack it all in and head back home where I spoke the language and didn't cause problems.

A few hours later, I awoke with the sun streaming in through the blinds. My head hurt still and I knew I had to get up for a glass of water. I checked my phone and there were no messages. I had secretly hoped that one of them would text me to let me known if Seungri and Jiyong were ok. I had secretly hoped that Seunghyun would want to whisk me away on a romantic date. It was never going to happen because he was a player. I laughed to myself because I realised he had probably done this the night before with another woman and would probably be doing it again tonight.

I spent the rest of the day moping around my apartment, even watching TV. At some point in the early evening, I ventured out the the McDonalds near my building to smash a mountain of junk food. In the rush of the Korean evening crowds, I thought I saw Seunghyun and his fantastic, white smile but it was not him. Why couldn't I get him out of my head?

* * *

Luckily, Ban Yu-mi had not heard of the fiasco at the apartment. Over a week had passed and I had heard nothing from the boys. As I prepared coffee for some of the customers that morning, I prayed that I wouldn't get in trouble with YG. Part of me was worried I would be sued for endangering one of their most successful acts.

Mr Rin was sat in his seat, drinking his coffee and the shop was relatively full. For the first time in a few weeks I was busy, which was good as it kept my mind off the situation. Of course, there were news reports that Seungri and Jiyong had been involved in a crash but were recovering at home. Bullshit. They hurt themselves on fuckery-glass that I smashed.

"Cheonsa?" I heard Ban Yu-mi call as she asked me to clean up the tables at the back of the shop. As I approached the tables, I caught my apron on the side of the counter, causing it to rip. Out fell the drawing of Seunghyun that Mr Rin had made. I did not want to see that villain's face after he led me on and didn't bother to finish what he had started. Angrily, I crumpled it up and put it in the bin with the debris that the customers had left on their table.

The door bell chimed as more customers walked in. Ban Yu-mi was behind the counter taking the orders and she asked me to help her make the coffees. I was glad of the distraction as I poured the milk into the frother and sprinkled cinnamon flakes onto the coffees. I made each one carefully as I was adamant that I wasn't going to mess something up in my life. As I was making the last coffee, Ban Yu-mi asked me to make an Americano and a mint hot chocolate. I was quite jealous actually, as the mint hot chocolate was one of my favourite drinks at the shop. I made sure that I put extra cream into the drink because if I couldn't enjoy it, I wanted to make sure the person drinking it could. Holding both of the drinks in my hand, I turned around and saw him standing there.

"Oh," I blurted out, trying not to drop the drinks in shock.

"Hello, cheonsa," he said with his voice like honey dripping from chocolate.

He looked so delicious in his long black jacket and black trousers. All the disdain and hate I had for him for leading me on melted away.

"Take your break," Ban Yu-mi insisted as she gestured at the mint hot chocolate. I wasn't sure why she was trying to make this happen, considering he was such a player.

I followed him over to a table at the front of the shop. It wasn't his usual table but it would do. I couldn't believe he had the cheek to show up here after the incident but I damn was I grateful to see his handsome face again.

"So," he said as he sat down and lit up a cigarette, "did you have fun the other night?"

Fun? Was he having a laugh?

"Is that your idea of fun?" I replied, sipping my hot chocolate. It was too hot and I burnt the roof of my mouth but tried desperately not to show it.

"Look. Things like that happen all the time, honestly, it's fine."

"Fine? Your CEO shouted in my face after I caused two of your bandmates to sustain injuries. I am sure the situation is not fine."

"It's taken care of," Seunghyun said with self-assured tone. "Seungri was far too drunk, he would have injured himself anyway and Ji, well, Ji is clumsy enough without alcohol."

I began playing with one of the napkins on the table, fussing with it because I was unsure how to react around him. There was a silence as I listened to the other customers chatting half expecting him to tell me that I couldn't handle him and his big dick energy.

"I heard you have my umbrella at your apartment?" he asked in a nonchalant way.

Oh shit, I forgot about that.

"Oh, shit. Was that yours that I borrowed?" I said as I lied through my teeth. I knew it was his.

"I'd quite like it back at some point," he said as he laughed at me.

"Yes, sure, I will bring it in tomorrow and you can collect it. Shall I put it behind the counter?"

"No," he said as he took a long drag of his cigarette. "Bring it to our apartment."

I looked at him as if I had seen a ghost.

"Don't worry," he said as he got up and put his coat on, "YG won't be there."

He gently took the napkin that I was playing with and wrote down something on there.

"Call me later, Cheonsa," he said as he smiled at me whilst turning around and walking off.

What. A. Tease. I thought as I watched him glide down the street. I felt my cheeks redden with blush and I turned around to see Ban Yu-mi giving me the thumbs up. 

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