Chapter 18

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YG's BigBang and their new darlings!
Woo Lauren is at the T.O.P of her game!

I scowled as I read the headlines. In fact, I did more than scowl: I felt physically sick. My brain was telling me that it was only for his job and to not worry but something was nagging inside. We weren't officially anything but I felt so angry that he was in news with another woman. Why couldn't it be me?

I thought about Sooyun: she was the only person in the world who would understand what I was going through. Lying on my bed, cuddling close to my pillow, I dialled her phone number. When she picked up, I could tell that she was feeling the strain. She told me that even though she knew Daesung was faithful to her, it still hurt that he was giving attention to another woman. She tried to reassure me that Seunghyun would be feeling just as shitty as I was about the situation but I really couldn't process it. I had to hear it from him. We agreed that we would meet up for Kim Chi after her work(for real this time) and discuss the situation in more depth. She was working with GirlClub on a photoshoot. I wondered if she was going to be talking to Gigi about the situation with Taeyang. Ah, Youngbae. I hadn't heard from him in a while and I hoped he was doing ok.

I looked at my phone which was lying in the covers after my phone call with Sooyun. I opened the text messages and read the last message he had sent me: Please don't be angry at me x.

It was hard to be angry with him. We had got off to a bad start but I didn't want to cut him out of my life. Maybe we needed a fresh start? One without Ri-na, without Youngbae. I text him back.

I'm not angry. I just want to talk about everything.

I bit my nails as I waited for his reply, wondering if he would reply at all.

Last night was awful. I need cheering up.

What did he mean by that? I was desperate to see him. I was relieved to hear he hadn't exactly been living it up.

Come over.

Just like that, all was forgiven. Within the hour, he showed up at my apartment, wine and food in hand. It was as if it were that night all over again. At first, it felt slightly awkward and he sat on the sofa away from me. Even though I had only known him for the span of a few months, I had picked up that he was not one to place his emotions on the table for all to see. He wasn't shy but he was hesitant. However despite his initial hesitation, he took control of the evening: he poured the wine, lit our cigarettes and gradually moved closer to me as the night wore on. Yes he had been a promiscuous but he was a gentleman.

"I will be honest with you, Cheonsa," he said as he put his hand on my thigh. "I don't want this to end, do you?"

"No, Seungyun, definitely not."

"So we need to be discreet. We need to make a plan so YG and everyone else at YGE don't realise what is going on. Now, we've got a lot of things coming up in Big Bang so we will need to be creative." He spoke almost formally.

"Why are we making a plan?" I asked him trying to be clueless. I just wanted to hear him say it.

"A plan for us, Cheonsa." It made my elbows tingle just hearing him say 'us'.

"Ah, right," I smiled back, resting my head on his shoulder smiling secretly to the ceiling.

"Next week, we have rehearsals for our music video. It will be a busy week but if you'd let me, I can come here afterwards? No one knows about this place do they?"

"Not anyone from YGE and certainly not YG," I replied.

"Good. We fly to New York next Tuesday for a week. We're recording our  video and doing a show out there."

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