Chapter 28

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The following day was the middle of the video shoot. Again, I pretended I was from the agency, helping Sooyun on the set with makeup and pretending I knew how to style. No one questioned me, they all just thought it was legitimate. My head was swimming with thoughts of the following evening. Seunghyun and I had a romantic dinner followed by glorious romance in his hotel room. It was one of the most perfect nights I had ever had. My knee was still sore from when I had fallen over myself outside the hotel. Luckily, I had managed to avoid Youngbae on set. I hadn't forgotten that I had snapped at him when he was only trying to help me.

Seunghyun caught me staring at him a few times and he kept giving me blank looks as if nothing had happened between us. I guessed he was maintaining his discreet persona. I didn't mind though because I knew how he was when people weren't watching.

The boys had a few scenes with the female models and Lauren was clearly loving it. She kept fawning over Seunghyun and directing her looks over towards Sooyun and I. This made me grow suspicious. Why did she keep looking at me like that?

When the shoot finally finished, management organised a sort-of after set drinks at one of the bars in downtown. I was sceptical about attending but Sooyun assured me that if I kept up the 'Sophie' persona, management wouldn't even question it. Besides, she said it would be a waste if I'd travelled all this way and to sulk alone in my hotel room.

We arrived at the bar separately: the boys with the management and the rest of the crew by themselves. As it was an unplanned event, there were no photographers or fans present, which was good because it made the atmosphere more relaxed. The bar was small, with exposed brick walls and leather bar stools and booth seating. I attached myself to Sooyun and some of the other set assistants, making sure I was careful not to make my relationship with Seunghyun known. He was sat with Daesung, Jiyong and a few of the camera operators.

After a while, Seungri came and sat down next to Sooyun and I.

"Hello ladies, how are you both?" he said, a drink in hand.

"Oh Ri, you are so drunk!" Sooyun laughed as she poked him in the shoulder. He was starting to slur his words.

"No I am not!" he protested as he pulled out his bottom lip into a sulky face.

"Maybe you should stop drinking?" I replied as I pointed at his empty glass.

"Maybe you should stop talking!" he retorted back. I had never seen him so drunk in my life.

"Steady on there," Sooyun said as she looked at me with concern. "I had better take this one back to Dae..."

She got up and went over to Seungri, putting her arms around him and guiding him over to Daesung, Jiyong and Seunghyun, leaving me sat alone in the booth. Just as she did, Lauren came waltzing over and plonked herself opposite to me. She put her elbows on the table and smiled at me sweetly.

"Hello darling," she said. There was something off about her tone.

"Lauren, how are you?" I replied trying to maintain my composure.

"I am excellent, and you Sophie?"

Shit. She knew I wasn't called Sophie, didn't she? I couldn't give anything away.

"I am well, just looking forwards to getting into bed soon. It is getting really late and I was actually thinking of going," I said as I began to get up, grabbing my bag and my coat which were besides me.

"SIT down," she said through her teeth. "We need to talk."

The blood rushed from my face and I could feel myself grow cold with fear. Why did we need to talk?

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