Chapter 5

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Later that night, I sat on my sofa and gaze outwards towards the Han River

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Later that night, I sat on my sofa and gaze outwards towards the Han River. It looked so calm and serene at dusk. The sounds of the city coupled with the twinkling stars in the sky made me feel like I somehow belonged in this unfamiliar place.

I took a sip of my drink: whiskey and cola. Yes, I felt like I belonged but boy was I lonely. It dawned on me that I needed to make some sort of connection with someone. I considered signing up for the Korean classes at the English college. I dragged my laptop from underneath the coffee table and opened up the browser. However, I became distracted as my mind wandered to the conversation that had happened with Seunghyun earlier on.

I typed his named into Google: Choy Sen Hun. I really had no idea how it was spelt.

Google corrected me: Choi Seung-Hyun. There were millions of results and his picture was everywhere. I bit my lip as I scrolled through the various photoshoots of him in suits, with strange coloured hair and posing next to his band members. There was Jiyong! They were in a boyband called BigBang and had millions of views on their YouTube videos. Wow. I really didn't know what to say. I'd never met a 'famous' person before.

I spent some of the night watching their videos but in all honesty, I wasn't that interested. Books were my thing. Jiyong was a lovely, friendly boy but I was still curious about Mr Grumpy, even if he was unusually cordial during our last meeting.

* * *

"Cheonsa!" my boss called to me from across the room, "make sure that you clean underneath that counter. It must be spotless!"

Why she called me 'Cheonsa', I will never know. She told me that it was because I was like her angel. I told her I was more like a cheeky cherub.

"Yes, Sunbae!" I replied with a cheery smile, crouching down with the dustpan and brush. It had been busy during the morning rush with lots of reporters and court officials coming in to the shop for their morning latte and pastry. As I was cleaning, I heard the doorbell chime as customers walked in. I could see their shoes as I was crouched down. One pair were black and white Vans sneakers, so definitely not court officials.

"Hello?" came the familiar voice. It was Jiyong. I jumped up in surprise, remembering what I had learnt about him the previous evening. He was superstar and he was saying hello to me!  I couldn't help but feel excited but nervous at the same time. 

"Good morning, Jiyong," I replied. "Would you like a coffee?"

He had two of his friends with him. They were both equally as handsome. I recognised them instantly from my research last night. 

"I'll have a vanilla latte, please Londoner," he joked with me. I pouted at him. He knew I was not from there.

"And you, sirs?" I asked the two other men.

"I will have an Americano, please," said the first one. I knew that this was Daesung from his sweeped fringe hairstyle. He seemed to be a sweet boy with kind eyes and an inviting smile.

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