Chapter 24

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Waking up alone after falling asleep with him seemed to be a pattern in our relationship

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Waking up alone after falling asleep with him seemed to be a pattern in our relationship. However, I knew that he had a busy schedule, especially as today the boys were meant to be filming some interviews for TV shows and doing a radio show performance.

After showering and getting dressed, I realised that it was not morning: it was the afternoon. I was certainly confused with the time differences. Bloody jet lag. Feeling hungry, I decided to venture out of the hotel and down the street to the nearest deli. It was freezing cold and I hadn't brought a coat so I was wrapped up in two jumpers probably looking as stupid as ever. I knew the style-conscious Seunghyun would definitely laugh at my fashion choices right now. I text Sooyun and asked what her plans were for the day, hoping she would be free to hang out. She said she wasn't as she was doing hair and makeup for the boys but I could stop by: they were still at the hotel getting ready before going to the tv studio. Sooyun promised me it would be safe as the management weren't interested in this part of the boys' day. Stuffing my face full of food that I had bought from the deli counter, I got up and rushed back to the hotel, eager to see Seunghyun.

As I rushed up the street to the entrance of the hotel, I noticed Jiyong was coming in from a car. There were probably fifty, even sixty, photographers surrounding him and shouting his name.

"G Dragon! G Dragon! Over here!"

"Great pose, G Dragon!"

"Turn this way, G Dragon!"

How did he cope with the constant fussing and attention? I stopped and watched it all, as did a few other pedestrians. There were also fans squealing his name, unfazed by the lightning flashes of the cameras. Jiyong posed, signed a few items and took photographs with fans before flashing a peace sign as his security guard ushered him into the foyer. Pausing to escape the chaos, I watched the photographers and fans filter away after Jiyong had left. I was quite shocked by how Jiyong had been figuratively mobbed. Even though I had seen glimpses into their lives as idols, it still made me feel slightly sick to see how much people desired their attention. Jiyong couldn't even get out of a car without the whole world staring at him.

Taking a deep breath, I carried on into to the foyer. My nose was red from the cold and I rubbed my hands together to try and warm them up. I felt a rush of energy as I realised I would soon see him. Sooyun had explained that I needed to take the elevator up the their floor and knock four times on the last door on the left of the corridor and someone would open the door for me.

I checked my appearance in the mirror and was it was not pleasant. Instead of going straight up to see them, I diverted into my room and decided to get changed. The devil on my shoulder told me to put on something stunning that would make me stand out in the room and stop him in his tracks. What did I pack that would do that? A short black dress. Smoothing down my long hair after brushing it and applying some nude lipstick (I didn't want to be too obvious) I was ready to go. I held my head up high and felt confident, as if nothing and no one in the world could bring me down.

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