Chapter 12

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Strong sunglight came flooding through the windows and balcony door. As I began to wake up, I realised that I wasn't at home: I was in an unfamiliar setting. His hotel room. Lying extremely still, I tried to turn my head to the man next to me – but he wasn't there. Clutching my pounding head, I sat up, gathering the bedcovers to my chest to protect my modesty. Apart from my underwear, I was completely naked. Curiously, I peered over the bed to expecting to see my clothes in a crumpled pile on the floor. Great, I'm going to have to do the walk of shame through the hotel in crumpled clothes. However, my clothes were neatly folded in a pile on the chair by the window. If my clothes were neatly folded and I still had my underwear on, did we sleep together? I had no idea. I looked to my left to see if he was in the bathroom but there was no sign of him.

"Seunghyun?" I whispered trying not to be too loud. There was no reply. Tucking the bedsheet under my arms and wrapping it around myself, I decided to venture out of the bed and investigate. The marble floor was cool under my bare feet so I walked on tip-toes, peering carefully into the bathroom just to make sure he wasn't having a bath or something. Where was he? I turned around and brushed past the table, looking for my phone to see if he had called or text. I noticed there was note left next to the vase of white flowers. As I glanced it over, I saw that it had my name on it. It must be from him. I opened it and read it:

"I didn't want to wake you. I had to leave early. Let's do dinner tonight? Choi Seung-Hyun."

I grasped the note to my chest and grinned from ear to ear. I couldn't believe my eyes when I read that he wanted to have dinner with me later. Maybe he isn't the grumpy villain that I thought he was? I wondered where he would take me. Maybe another fancy restaurant? I knew I had to go home and shower, wash my hair and prepare myself for this evening.

When I got home, I jumped straight into boiling hot shower, washing away the dirt of the previous evening. I closed my eyes and tried to think of him on top of me, kissing me slowly on my neck and down onto my chest. It all ended there. Why couldn't I remember? I tried again, thinking of his deep moans and the smell of coconut in his hair. Nothing. Abruptly, I opened my eyes and began to wash my hair, replaying the evening's scene out in my head. I could remember going out with Sooyun, seeing him at the bar, arguing with him and even going to his hotel room but the rest was a blur. I got out of the shower and wrapped myself in a towel, deciding that I would call him and find out what his plans were for the evening.

With wet hair and a towel around my body, I slumped down on the sofa and picked up my phone. There was a message from Sooyun asking me how I was but there was nothing from him. I scrolled through the names in my address book and pulled up his number, inhaling deeply before I called him. As I did, I was met with a dead tone. What the hell?I tried again and there was nothing. Rolling my eyes, I left my phone on the sofa and went to the bedroom to get dressed. Is this what it was going to be like?

In an effort to feel slightly less hungover, I dried and straightened my hair and put on some makeup. Instead of wearing my pyjamas, I put on a pair of jeans and a leopard-print shirt. It made me feel slightly better. For the rest of my day, I thought about doing housework but decided it could wait. I put some music on, read one of my books and telephoned Sooyun, trying to piece together what had happened that night.

"All I saw was the disagreement in the foyer and for some reason, you went up in the elevator with him," she said as we chatted on the phone. "Daesung said they were rehearsing today, so maybe he has his phone turned off because he is at work?"

"Maybe he is with her?" I replied in a panicked tone.

"No, no, I don't think so."

"She works there though, right? What is stopping them from having a quickie in the stock cupboard?"

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