Day 15

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We'd wish my day was going well but it's honestly not. We'd wish my fucking week was going well but it's honestly fucking not. I've got slightly even more pressure on me to finish the Econ thing, and I'm being treated like I either never work on it ever or it's something I can constantly work on without my partner. I literally fucking am so stressed, sad, and angry at the same time. Wether I get held back or not is literally riding on this grade and we're no close to being done I don't think. Plus I've got a computer website project I've gotta get done by the end of the year. Damn...I thought my class getting to graduate a few weeks early would be nice — cause that's what seniors get to do at our school — but because of this fucking quarantine, everything's getting pushed into one date and I can't work on everything at once. I honestly at first despised the thought that my state government's Education Board brought up of all grades in my state getting held back cause of this virus, but I'm honestly kind of torn cause this quarantine is literally gonna kill my Econ grade since my teacher decided to fuck around with the due date because of the quarantine. I dunno...I don't wanna complain so don't worry about me. I've just been working all day basically. I've gotta go work out soon, either in a few minutes or after dinner. I hope Animal Crossing's been fun. I hope you have a good day tomorrow.

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