Day 76

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I had to get bloodwork today to see if I've still got high risk for diabetes or not. The needle I got literally barely hurt surprisingly. Like I don't think it hurt at all. I think my brain just kind of imagined it out of expectation or something. It literally just felt like a microsecond of pain or whatever. Either that or it just wasn't there at all, and I seriously did just imagine it. Either way I had to go to the grocery store with the gauze on and everything. It was annoying, and I really wanted it off. My dad told me I could take it off, but I kept it on until I got home so you wouldn't freak out. I'm just glad everything went normally I guess. Hopefully I won't actually be at risk for diabetes or anything.
     I'm still just kind of sitting around. It's starting to rain again. I don't go outside a whole lot so I don't care. I'm not really doing much besides waiting for dinner to come. I might not actually be able to be on your stream to be honest. We'll see, but I seriously doubt it. It's just too late for me if you take into account who I live with. So's really upsetting too, 'cause I wanted to actually be there for this one as well. I'll most likely never have any content for my own instagram so your streams are at least something I can look forward too I guess, but whatever. I honestly don't mind unless you do or something. I love you so much.

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