Day 79

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     Didn't really do a ton today besides go to a graduation party. It turned out well. We all just kinda hung out with each other and chilled. Felt kinda lonely I guess, but it's whatever. That's typical for most social things like that for me. Hopefully my party goes well. It feels kind of dumb to have one at my place considering how well the turn out was for tonight. People just wanna move on. Plus I've got another party to go to the next day after mine. I dunno. It's tiring sort of, but it's whatever. I've just gotta hang out. This isn't something I should complain about. I at least forced myself to be social so that's what matters I guess.
     I'm sorry that your dad is being...your dad...that sounds like something he'd do. I at least get how you feel about your parents, at least a little. So yeah.....
     I've also been binging Soul Eater since I wanted to watch a genre you liked. Modern shounen just doesn't do anything for me, and I'm not sure why. It's whatever though. I've just gotta vibe or whatever. I've always liked Soul Eater a lot actually. It's super funny, and the character dynamics are cool.
     I think I might've had more I wanted to say, but it's slipping my mind 'cause I'm tired. I can barely keep my eyes open. Hope you sleep well. Love you a lot,

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