Day 105

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I was at the orthodontist today and then the cornea doctor. I don't have to come in for any more orthodontist appointments now, but I'm gonna have to get my wisdom teeth removed eventually. I've actually only got two on theeee left side of my mouth I think. My cornea is fine and the vision in my right eye is slightly better thank goodness. But that's it. Maybe I should start eating carrots more. I've thought about that a lot so, maybe I should. Still have to keep watching out for my eye pressures and dry-eye and stuff, but I'm fine otherwise. Haven't gotten a ton of time to relax or anything, but it's whatever. Just kinda hangin out now that it's night and stuff I guess.
I've got a grad party for my friend to go to before I head off to Tennessee. Soooo...yeah. Hopefully that's cool. Too bad we couldn't have been with each other a little longer, but I think I had to go anyway. But yeah, that's it. Love ya.

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