Day 70

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     Since there might not be much going on today, I'm super fucking ecstatic to let you know that I FUCKING HAD A DREAM WITH YOU IN IT FOR ONCE!!!! HOLY SHIT CAN YOU ACTUALLY BELIEVE IT??!!!!! I never fucking thought it would happen but it did. I just- aaaaa....yesssss....but I won't waste any more time.
     Okay, so, the dream was still taking place during school days sort of. I wanted to be a part of a study group that was meeting in this weird new building that was a hospital and an apartment building combo. Well, my mom wanted to visit someone from her side of the family who was in the hospital part (either my grandad or my grandmom, not sure anymore) so I was like "Hey, can I go study for school stuff with some friends tonight in the apartment part.". My parents said yes. And after trying to get all of our things ready to go to the place like night time pills and other stuff, we went to the building.
     I rushed in to the apartment part and instead of studying me and me my friends just goofed off the whole time just kind of exploring the whole apartment room and stuff, cause it was honestly pretty big for an apartment. At one point while I was in some room on a random bed watching the news on this sorta small tv while trying to at least get a little bit of studying done, someone randomly said "Yeah, dude, this is Indi's house.", and my head immediately fucking perked up. I started thinking about like, what I was gonna say to you, especially since we would still be talking to each other in public still since we'd be around my friends. Eventually you like got home from something but your parents weren't home yet. A few of my friends said hi to you and made small talk with you I think, but I was genuinely so nervous about speaking to you. I thought about just getting up and just going to say hi a few times at least, but i was still too nervous for even that.
     Pretty soon it was coming time for me to leave, and while everyone was still having fun exploring and doing their own thing, I started looking and poking around for you. I had gotten to the kitchen when I then immediately heard your voice, "So do you're friends want any snacks or drinks or something?". That's literally what you said. With no hesitation at all, I turned to you and literally just threw my arms around you in a super tight hug. You hugged me as well, but your hug was super light. At one point you tried to back away, but I just kept hugging you tightly and you sort of mentally decided "Welp, I guess we're still doing this then.", and we just kept hugging for probably 30-45 seconds more. I pulled away to look at you with my arms still wrapped around you. We both said we loved each other, but you mumbled it sort of. We hugged a little less longer then the first time. I looked at you again and you were trying to look away cause you were literally crying tears of joy. "I'm gonna cry!", was literally all you said. "I love you so much...", I said, "I'm gonna try to come back later with my own snack and drinks and stuff when my friends aren't here and we can just have a lovely time hanging out, got it? Alright. Good. Okay.". I said that while trying to rub your shoulders and your back to try to calm you down. "I love you!", I said. This time you said I love you louder too for once. All the while this was happening, some of my friends looked at us in shock, and some didn't really care, they were just having fun running around doing their own thing. So, after we actually fucking met each other!!!!!!! I had left, and as I took an elevator to leave, I met this really old guy in a wheelchair being pushed by another old guy. We somehow knew each other. At least, that's how we talked to each other. Then we both went into the hospital's cafeteria and ate yogurt together. Not really the ending I'd expect or want for that's matter, but that's just what it was unfortunately.
     Honestly that's it. I'm just really glad to have it finally happen to me, even if it wasn't in the way I wanted I guess. I hope you have a wonderful day, my love.

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