Chapter 1: Beginnings

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Life on Jakku is dismal. You hate it there. It's sandy and hot, and there's nothing to do but work. The sand is the worse, its coarse, rough, irritating, and it gets everywhere. The heat is suffocating most days, especially today. Sweat dripped down your face as you climbed down the mound of sand. The parts you salvaged jingled in your sack as you descended. Your stomach growled, meaning it was time to go back to the workplace to reign in today's meager earnings.

You approached Unkar's stall, already annoyed just by looking at his ugly face. After scattering the haul on the surface, he gave you a look of disgust.

"You get a one-half portion." He said, holding it up to you.

"You have got to be kidding me. You keep giving me less and less every time, and I bring you the same quality and amount!" the anger rising in you.

"Which would you rather have a one-half portion or none at all?" he said with a smirk.

"You fat piece of shit. Whatever just give me my portion."

He flung the disk, smacking you in the face.

"I'll see you tomorrow, my precious sand rat."

You snarled at him and stomped away, the others in the line leaning back from you. Despite your anger, you felt a silver of happiness, seeing the fear on their expressions.

The rage started to wear off once you reached your home in an old AT-AT walker. You made your dinner by mixing your leftover canteen water with the portion Unkar gave you. You couldn't stop yourself from shoving the food into your mouth to soothe the hunger pains. Even though it tasted awful, it was the best part of your day, the only time you weren't hungry. As the day faded into the night, the heat broke, and the wind picked up, making it cool enough for you to sleep without sweating out all the water you drank during the day. But of course, even the breeze couldn't stop the nightmares of brutal beatings from invading your peaceful sleep.

Your alarm startled you awake, the sound of the whip still echoing in your mind. The bright sun seared your sight, making your eyes close and your body wanting to go back to sleep, but your mind reminded that no work meant no food. You groaned, not wanting to go out into the blazing desert.

After shrugging your clothes on, you set out to the half-submerged star destroyer to find anything Unkar would take. The hot sand, sun, and the triggering nightmare put you in a sour mood. The day just got better from thereon. You could barely find anything worthwhile in the star destroyer, and it was already getting late. Grabbing what you thought he would take, you left the broken ship and made the trek back to the workplace. The smell of grim and sweat hit you as you entered. The line was longer than usual, which added to your growing frustration. Another scavenger cut in front of you, and that almost made you lose it. But you reigned in your rage becuase there were only two more people in front of you. Then it was your turn.

"Oh my precious sand rat, what will it be another one-half portion?" he laughed.

You gritted your teeth and dumped out what you collected. There wasn't much you admitted but enough for a one-half portion for sure.

"There. Now give me my food," you all but snarled.

He carefully inspected them, taking time on each object. Your frustration was hitting its peak.

"This is garbage; you get nothing today, rat," he said as he toshed the items to the side.

You slammed your fist down on the table and shouted, "This is bullshit, give me my portion. I bring you items, and you give me food, that is how the operation works. I can't bring you things if I'm too malnourished to work, dumbass."

He bated your words away with the flap of his fat hand and called for the next person. The next girl pushed you slightly, and you looked back at her so full of anger. She backed away in fear. You turned back to Unkar, whole body shaking with rage. The fury was bubbling to the surface, and you couldn't control it anymore. You had never felt so much pure hatred and anger as you did at that moment.

"Y/N, leave now, or I could punish you like I did when you were younger. That whip sure knows how to make obedient workers. I could add a few more scars to your collection. The choice is......"

You hand shot out on instinct. His sentence cut off mid breath like he couldn't breathe. His face was contorted in fear, pain, and shock. You looked down to see your arm shaking, and your hand in a cup-shaped position. You looked back up at Unkar to see he had passed out. Your hand released him, and he slumped against the chair. The surrounding scavengers were deathly silence. Your arm lowered back to your side and you turned around completely confused about what just happened. The collectors took a step back, terror written on their expressions.

"I..I...I..don't know what happened. I.. I've never done that before," you said, trying to explain.

They looked like they couldn't decide what to do: attack or flee. Some chose to run, but the others took out whatever weapons they had and prepared to fight you. Your whole body was sizzling with hot energy, but it was frozen in place. You thought I have to move; they're going to kill me. I don't know what happened... why is this happening... why.. why.. why. They had almost reached you, but your body finally responded to your distress calls. Without a second thought, you bolted out of there, all the way to your makeshift home.

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