Chapter 11: Repercussions

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Smut ahead!!!


You shot straight up in bed, skin sticky with sweat. Oh my god, that felt so real. Getting up, you felt that your underwear was soaked. What the fuck? Did I cum in my sleep? It was a reallllly good dream, so I'm not surprised. It would be even better if Kylo would do that in real life. But he probably won't because he thinks I'm defective.

You didn't have much time, but you had to take a shower. Already running late, you hurried out the door with your stormtrooper, making sure to snatch some food along the way. Once you got to the training room, you mentally prepared yourself to see Kylo. You had to put up a mental barrier so he wouldn't see the dream that had made you so much more desperate for him.

Walking in, you didn't say anything and waited for him to start.

"Well, you finally got here. There's no time for punishment because we have a lot of work to do."

He stalked off to a table on the side, picking up two lightsabers. Flinging one to you, he said, "Snoke wants your training to progress faster more because the resistance will come soon. So today is as you can tell is lightsaber training."Kylo reached to his helmet. Don't take off your helmet. Don't take of tour helmet. The last thing you needed right now was to see his annoyingly pretty face. But of course, he did revealing the face from your dreams.

He went through a couple of different techniques and sequences.

"Turn the saber on and practice what I showed you."

The metal hilt heavy in your hand, but it felt right like you were meant to use it. You pressed the button, and a red beam ignited, the hum filling the air. Kylo cleared his throat, signaling for you to get to it. You repeated the things he showed you with some difficultly, only half understanding what he did. But, he seemed to think you did alright because he said, "Good. Now, let's do some sparing. I'm not going easy on you, just because you're pretty doesn't mean people won't kill you."

Kylo called me pretty? Slightly stunned by his compliment, Kylo took the chance to strike at you, narrowly missing your waist.

You stumbled back, trying to settle your feet and strike back. You charged at him, red blade hitting his, and he pushed it off. Kylo swung as your leg, and you dodged. This series of attacking each other when on for almost two hours. You were mentally and physically exhausted. It was hard to keep up the mental barrier and keep focused on the task. At some points, you felt it slipping, but you were able to hold on.

"You haven't said a single word to me today."

His question surprised you because you didn't think he would notice that you were slightly ignoring him.

"Why are you ignoring me?"

Kylo slashed at you to provoke a response.

You yelled back, "I'm not!"

His lightsaber came down on yours. You pushed against it, but he quickly pushed you off, causing you to almost fall, but his arm caught your waist. The physical contact broke the last hold you had on the barrier, and he was instantly in your mind. Kylo's eyes glazed over with lust, knowing that he had found the dream. One second you were being held, and the next you were pushed up against a wall, just like yesterday.

"So, that's why weren't talking because you were using too much energy in keeping a barrier up."

You looked down, not wanting to meet his intense gaze, but his gloved hand grasped your jaw, forcing your eyes to match his.

"That was just a dream. Imagine what I could do in real life."

His hand reached down and grabbed the hem, lifting your shirt and bra over your head. You tried to move to cover your chest, but the lustful hinting on dangerous look in his eyes stopped you. Kylo's hand ran up your body until he got to your breasts. Just like in the dream, his leather finger pads rubbed your hard nipples, sending shocks down to your core.

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