Chapter 4: Training

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You woke up to aggressive banging on your door. This felt like de VA Vu. Groggily you made your way to the door. Half asleep you opened it to see a stormtrooper waiting.

"What the fuck do you want? I was sleeping."

The trooper awkwardly referred his gaze away from your barely covered body.

"Um... I'm supposed to take you to train, remember?"

You shook your head, "Shit, yeah, I forgot, just give me a few minutes."

You slammed the door stuff and quickly put on black leggings, a fitted black short sleeve shirt, and black trainers. The stormtrooper banged on the door again, and you rushed out. He led you through hallway after hallway until he stopped in front of a large steel door.

"Here's your stop," he said and left.

You walked in and was surprised at how large the room was. There were weight racks, an open area, and a wall stacked with every weapon imaginable. In the middle of the room stood Kylo Ren, wearing the same thing as yesterday, his helmet, long sleeve shirt, pants, and gloves, all, of course, were black. He turned to face you when he heard you enter the room.

"You're late."

You rolled your eyes, "You never said I had to be on time, just that a trooper would pick me up at 7."

"Watch it," he growled and motioned for you to follow him. He led you to the open area.

"Run around this area for ten minutes since you were ten minutes late."

You groaned and started running. Every time you slowed down, he would yell at you to pick up the pace. By the five minute mark, your breathing was uneven, and your legs were aching. Was this guy just gonna stand there and watch me the whole time? I was ten minutes late, it's not the end of the world.

"Ok, that's ten minutes, strength training is next."

You bent over, hands on your knees, trying to catch your breath. You panted, "Can't I get a break?"

He didn't even give you a glance as he walked to the weight racks, and you slowly followed him. Asshole.

"You're going to do a circuit: 50 pushups, 50 situps, 50 chest presses with 50 pounds of weight, 50 squats, and 50 pullups. Do it 3 times. Then you can have a break."

I swear this man is trying to kill me. You did it one time, and your body felt like jello already. You didn't know how you were going to survive two more rounds. Halfway through your second time, your movements were getting sloppy. He would yell at you every time your form became sloppy and to stop being lazy. At that point, you wanted to rip his face off. He acted like this was easy. I bet he couldn't even do it. You finished the second one and were rethinking your decision. It would have been easier to die becuase this was hell. You looked up at him, silently pleading that you didn't have to do it for the third time.

"Get going, you have one more to do. You're lazy standing around like that, I have places to be, and you're taking too long."

Your anger quickly rose to its boiling point as you approached him, only inches away. The rage was sizzling in your veins as you yelled at him, "Who the fuck do you think you are? Why do I have to do all of this? It's bullshit!"

Kylo closed the distance, bending down so that his face was directly in front of yours. He calmly said, "Because, I said so. Now move."

You weren't intimidated in the slightest as you yelled back at him, "NO! I'm not doing anymore. This is too much. I'm not taking orders from you as you just stand there and watch me. I'm leaving asshole."

Just as you were about to turn to leave, you were slammed against the wall by an invisible force. You struggled against it, but you couldn't move, it had you pinned. You looked up to see Kylo stalking towards you as if he was a lion who had caught his prey. The sight of his approach made your body tingle. He stopped right in front of you, bodies almost touching. You could feel the warmth radiating off of his clothed skin and wondered what it would be like to have his body pressed up against yours. His gloved hand grasped your face, roughly shaking you from your thoughts.

"You better watch your mouth. I've been nice to you. I could make this so much harder, but I haven't. So keep your words and thoughts to yourself." Kylo then stormed out of the room, leaving you alone.

You stayed against the wall for a couple of minutes after he had left processing what had happened. He said, keep your words and thoughts to yourself. Did that mean he could read your thoughts all the time becuase that's such an invasion of privacy. That also meant he knew you were thinking about his body against yours, the heat radiating off of him. You groaned, cheeks heating up from the embarrassment. You didn't really know what to think about Kylo Ren. He was a sexy, intimidating asshole that was about all you knew. You didn't even know what his face looked like. It didn't matter at the moment because you would find out eventually. After sending several more minutes in the training room, you decided Kylo wasn't coming back, so you walked out trying to make it back to your room. Which you did but took you substantially longer becuase you got lost a few times. Once you made it there, you were surprised it was already 12:00 pm. You took a shower, ate food, and sat around for a while until you were utterly dying of bordem. You decided to explore your new surroundings sounded fun, and what bad could happen.

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