Chapter 6: Face to Face

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Once again, knocking woke you up. You needed to see how to set an alarm so you would have more time in the morning instead of rushing to get ready.

"I hear you just give me a second."

Quickly, you slipped on the same outfit as yesterday; it seemed that your closet had very little variety. You decided to pull your hair into a ponytail since yesterday's training was so intense. In less than five minutes, you were out the door. As the stormtrooper escorted you to the training room, you spotted a cart holding an assortment of foods. You snagged two pieces of toast and munched as you walked. No way were you going to do a bunch of exercise without some fuel. When you reached the room, the trooper paused for you to go in then processed on his route. Walking in, you saw Kylo Ren once again in the middle of the room, but standing next to him was a silver stormtrooper. It was the first time you had seen a trooper any color other than white.

"Hey Kylo, what's up for today?" you chirped.

He ignored you and motioned to the trooper, saying, "This is Captian Phasma. We're going to do some combat training today. You're going to fight her so I can watch and see what your skill level is." You were excited for something other than just basic exercise and started moving towards them, but he held out his hand.

"But, first, you're running for 5 minutes, becuase you were late again."

You groaned and started running. When he called time, you clasped your hands above your head, trying to steady your breathing.

"Come on, let's go. I don't have all day," Kylo barked at you.

I'm coming, asshole, you thought as you walked over to him.

"I can hear you," Kylo warned.

"Yeah, I know, what now?"

He shook his head at your disrespect. You loved how much it bothered him.

"Grab any weapon of your choice, and Captain Phasma will as well. Then you'll fight. Since this is your first fight, she won't be fighting at full strength. This is just a test of skill; we don't want to kill you, right now anyway."

Right now, my ass, I bet he wants to see how easily Phasma could hurt me if she as fighting at full strength. You looked at the weapons rack. It had so many different blasters, but those wouldn't be great in a fight against every weapon. You were deciding between the riot baton or the electrostaff and picked the latter. Kylo motioned for you to go to the open area while Captian Phasma chose her weapon. You couldn't see what she had selected from your view. Nerves were making your hands shake, and your grip on the staff was tight, almost white-knuckling it. Kylo and Phasma walked down to where you were, but you still couldn't tell what she had picked.

"Okay, you'll fight for 10 minutes, remember Phasma no kill shots."

She sounded slightly annoyed when she responded with, "Yes, sir."

Phasma didn't move, and neither did you. After she still hadn't revealed her weapon, you thought that she had picked to use just her fists, what a stupid idea. With new confidence, you charged, staff pointed at her torso. She twisted out of its path and rebounded with a kick to your side. You stumbled back and swung again, zipping it towards her head. Phasma ducked and punched your stomach. The breath was knocked out of you, but that didn't stop your attack. She wasn't ready for another swing of the staff so soon. It almost made contact with her shoulder, but she unleashed her weapon, wrapping it around the staff, stopping its path. You froze. It was a barbed chain, like the one from your nightmare/memory. She took the opportunity to swipe your legs out from you, causing you to land hard on your side. You were frozen to the floor; panic and fear had taken control. It had been two years since Unkar had last beat you, but your nightmares kept the pain fresh in your mind. Phasma still approached swinging the chain and slashing your arm. You hardly felt the sting of the cut becuase your body was in a full-blown panic at that point. Panting, body shaking, eyes wide. As she brought her arm back to fling the chain on you again, you screamed, "Stop! Please, please..."

You couldn't finish the sentence becuase it felt as if your throat was closing. The tears couldn't be stopped as they profusely rolled down your face. You frantically tried to crawl away from her, but she kept following. Your heartbeat was so loud in your ears, blocking out any other noise. The memories of Unkar's beating were on repeat in your mind. You pressed your hands over your ears and closed your eyes, wishing the visions of the abuse would go away. Faintly you could hear Kylo ordering Phasma to leave the room and him approaching you. His large hands grabbed yours, tearing them from your ears.

"Y/N, it's Kylo. I'm not going to hurt you. It's okay."

You slightly calmed down and opened your eyes to be face to face with his helmet. Usually, it wouldn't have bothered you, but the black silts concealing his eyes were too inhuman, reminding you of Unkar. Your panic grew even more, gasping for air. You went back to your position, hands clasping ears and eyes closed. The images kept playing; the memories you had thought you had washed away were all resurfacing. Kylo tried to grab your hands but kicked him away. He attempted again and succeeded, managing to pull them away.

"It's Kylo. It's okay. Unkar isn't here. It's only me, open your eyes."

You hesitated not ready to see his mask again but eventually did. Even in your panicked state, you were shocked to see warm brown eyes staring into yours. Without thinking, you wrapped your arms around his torso, tucking your face against his shoulder. Your breathing and heartbeat started to relax, but the tears didn't. Kylo's arms slowly embraced you, pulling you even closer to him, his head coming down to rest on top of yours. His warmth was calming, soothing your hysteric crying to only a few tears.

"You're safe. Unkar can never hurt you again."

His voice was deep and velvety smooth, so much better than the regular distorted version. His large hand drew calming circles on your back, making your thoughts settle. The images of abuse, pain, and panic faded from your consciousness. Kylo's warmth and tight embrace lulled you into a peaceful sleep. The first sleep in years without nightmares.

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