Chapter 10: Temptations

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TW: slight sexual assault also smut later on
You didn't make it very far into the room before your legs gave out, and you slid to the floor. Thoughts caused your head to pound. Nausea once again crawled at the back of your throat. The feeling of the stormtrooper's hands caressing your body was fresh in your mind. His fantasies distributed you, but you weren't sure if it was because it wasn't Kylo or the forcefulness. It felt as if he was still touching you, and it needed to be washed away. You pulled yourself off the floor and rushed for the bathroom. Quickly, you torn of your clothes and turned the shower on to as hot as it could be. The pain from the water blurred over the thoughts of the stormtrooper. You harshly scrubbed your skin until the feeling of his hands were gone. The hot water was now soothing and relaxed your tense muscles. After standing in the steam for a few more minutes, you got out and wrapped a towel around you. As you exited the bathroom, you let out a small scream. Kylo had just walked into the room at the same time you walked out of the bathroom. He didn't seem the register your shout as you felt his hungry through his helmet, gaze at your body. You grabbed the towel, making sure it didn't fall. In this vulnerable state, you weren't sure if holding eye contact was the right move, but you still did. You stared straight into the dark silts of his helmet, really wanting to see his brown eyes.

"Take off your helmet," your voice was barely audible, but he still heard it.

Kylo released the helmet and revealed his hidden face. It was just how you remembered: beautiful. The dark locks, full lips, and warm eyes. Well, except they weren't exactly warm right now. Lust swirled behind them. Without his helmet on, you could see his gaze taking in your half-naked body. It only made slightly nervous, mostly excited; it showed he wanted you as much as you wanted him. He didn't say anything as he quickly backed you up against the wall. Kylo pressed his body against yours. You could feel every inch of is body. His arms caged you, and his head tilted down to met your eyes. Kylo's gaze was so intense you wanted to know what he was thinking. You couldn't help yourself and focused on creeping into his mind. He felt the intrusion but didn't put up a barrier. You gasped at the images he had thought about: him kissing you passionately, hands rooming your body, pressing you up against the wall, feeling your body against his, leaving marks showing his ownership. You had never thought Kylo thought so much about you, but obviously, he did. The two of you stayed in that position waiting for someone to make the first move. The room was silent besides the sound of heavy breathing. Kylo moved his hands to your body, smoothing over your curves, eyes never leaving yours. He leaned down to your neck and placed hungry kisses there. You bit your lip from letting any noise out. Which of course, he noticed and brought his mouth to your ear, whispering, "Let me hear you or I will stop."

No way did you want him to stop, so you let out the moans you were holding back, which motivated him more.

"Good girl. Just like that."

Heat rushed to your core at his words. He knew exactly what he was doing. Kylo's large hands moved up to your cup your breasts, and the memory of the stormtrooper's hands popped into your mind. His hands froze, and anger filled his eyes. Kylo started to back away, but you grabbed his arm.


He turned away from you. You tried to reach into his mind again, but this time he resisted you. Kylo unwrapped your hand from his forearm and left without looking back. What just happened one moment everything was great.  More than great, then it was gone. It's not like you tried to think about what happened earlier. You trusted Kylo and that he wouldn't do something like that to you, but it was just a moment of doubt. Why did he leave so suddenly? Was Kylo mad at me? You know what it didn't matter because it pissed you off that he just left like that. You had been aching for his touch for so long, and when you finally get it, he gets upset and leaves. That's bullshit! With new anger, you threw down your towel and changed into your nightgown. Huffing, you got under the covers of your bed and tried to sleep.

Dream: Kylo tore the sheet off, gazing on your barely covered body. His eyes burned with lust. Your body tingled as he took of your nightdress, the black silk sliding up almost over your head. Kylo left it covering your eyes.

"Don't move and don't talk unless I tell you," his deep voice commanded.

Leather-covered fingertips glided across you jaw down your neck and over the mounds of your breasts. You wanted to ask him to do more, move where you really wanted his fingers. He traced lines down to the hem of your panties, barely going underneath, then retracted them, moving back up your stomach. Kylo did that two more times before you couldn't take it anymore and shouted, "Please Kylo, please."

His touch vanished as he said, "What did I tell you?"

You stayed silent because you knew he was angry, but his dominance was hot.

"Answer me, Y/N."

"I'm sorry, Kylo, but please touch me again," you begged.

You felt him crawl onto of you, closing the distance and his hips pressing into your hot core.

"YES! Right there, please, Kylo."

He whispered in your ear, "You will call me Master, or you won't get anything."

You nodded your head franticly, wanting him so badly. His hands went up and grasped your breasts, the pads of his thumbs rubbed your nipples in a circular motion. Your back arched of the bed and moaned.

"Do you like that? Tell me how much you like it."

He was barely doing anything to you, but it was hard to form words. The built-up tension that had developed from the very moment you met Kylo had lead to wanting him so much.

"Kylo, more."

His touch once again disappeared, making you whine from the loss.

"I warned you. I guess I'll have to leave you all hot and needy for me."

You shot up from the bed as you felt his weight lift off of you. The nightdress fell from your eyes to see Kylo's face. His lips wore a smirk, and his eyes were hungry, he wasn't going to leave you, he couldn't.

"I'm sorry. Please make me cum, Master."

His eyes widened from your words. You had been indirect when asking for his touch, but now you didn't care about being embarrassed. Kylo placed his body back on yours, and his gloved hands slowly took off your lace panties. Your hands gripped the sheets for support as his fingers ran through your folds. The other hand applied pressure to your neck, just enough to make you lightheaded. His fingers brushed our your clit, making you release a loud moan.

"Ahhh, Master."

Pleased, he rewarded you by plunging his fingers into your entrance. They cruelly pounded into you, making you moan and mewl for more. Your eyes rolled into the back fo your head, not being able to handle the immense pleasure. Tension filled your stomach; you were almost there.

"Do you want to cum? Beg your Master."

You almost didn't recognize the needy voice that pleaded, "Please, Master, please let me cum."

His fingers plunged faster and faster; you weren't sure you could hold on any longer.

"Open your eyes. Let me see you go over the edge."

Instantly you obliged and connected your eyes with his.

"Good girl. You can cum now."

The tension instantly broke, and you couldn't help the loud moans that left your mouth. Your eyes rolled back, and your back ached from the overwhelming pleasure. Kylo's fingers still pounded into your pussy as you rode out the orgasm. Slowly you came down from the high and opened your eyes to see Kylo intensely staring at you, not with lust but with something else. He took out his fingers and laid down next to you. You felt empty without him filling you, but sleep was calling you. Kylo pulled you close to him and put an arm around your waist, "Sleep. You did well."

So you did, curled up in his arms.

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