Chapter 15: Dominance

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Smut Ahead! Also, the song playing later in the chapter is Skin by Rihanna if you want to listen to it when it says. I know that they wouldn't have this song in the Star Wars universe, but whatever. Also, I'm sorry I didn't update for a while. :)

You started the walk back to the ship, feet sinking in the sand. The thought of never having to see Unkar or be in Jakku again was so pleasing. When his head fell to the ground, you gained complete freedom. No more could he haunt your dreams with potential threats or make you feel weak. You were the one with the power now and that's how you liked it. The power that the dark side allowed was so addicting, no wonder some Jedis turned to it. The only downside was the rage and the need for more power was almost overwhelming.

The ship was quickly coming into view,  and anticipation stirred in your stomach at the thought of facing Kylo. It would be devastating if you saw him and didn't want him anymore. The ramp came down as if Kylo sensed you were near. Your boots slowly clunked against the metal, and your hand tentatively reached for the handle. Your motions froze for a second but then opened the door.

There stood Kylo in the middle of the ship waiting. You looked at him and the same feelings as before were still there but his presence spiked your need for power. Since he was so acclimated to the dark side, it seemed like it wanted to push you to be like him. It annoyed you because for once you wanted this to be about you, no one else. It was time to show that even Kylo would bow to you.

"Get on your knees," you commanded.

Kylo looked wearily at you but did as he was told.

"The dark side seems to think you have more power than me. But right now, my veins feel as if they're going to burst. I can barely control all this new power. Also, not to mention the growing rage that comes with it."

He spoke in a soothing tone, trying to calm you down, "It's perfectly normal to have a rush of rage, passion, emotion, power, and other emotions. That happened to me and everyone else. It will settle and you'll feel like normal again."

A growl ripped from your throat. It didn't even sound human. The idea of this power being taken away felt like a threat to your life and you wouldn't let it happen.

"I don't want this power to go away. This is the first time in my life that I'm stronger than everyone else. No one can hurt me and that's the way it's going to stay."

Kylo sat quietly through your outburst but looked increasingly worried.

"The power will stay with you, just the anger and the need for more will fade. You're powerful; I knew that from the moment I met you. The dark side only amplifies what you already have. Right now, you just need to calm down so these feelings can settle."

You took what he said into consideration. He had more experience with the dark side, so there was no reason that he would be lying. He was Kylo Ren, after all, so you were going to trust him.

"How do you suggest I calm down?"

Kylo got up from his kneeling position, seeing that you believed him.

"You could meditate or do something to release some energy like running around."

You crossed your arms, "Run. Seriously! I hate running. I'm not doing that."

He sassily replied, "Well, do you have any ideas?"

Hmmm... what's something that I like to do that requires energy. Sex! Yup, that's the answer. Bingo!  But, the idea of Kylo demanding dominance over me would not help the situation. I think it's time we switched places.

"Sit down."

Kylo tilted his head confused, "What?"

You gave his broad chest a shove towards the small couch. His body barely budged, but he understood the command and took a seat. You walked to be in front of him, and started to unzip the black uniform. Kylo's eyes widened as your skin peeked through the opening. You continued to tease him, slowly unzipping and taking off the suit until you stood in only your bra and panties. His once surprised eyes were quickly becoming hungry. You decided it was too quiet and music would be a perfect addition. After walking over to the control panel and turning something on, you went back to your spot. *Cue the music!* You came closer almost touching his body. Passion and power flickered throughout your body giving your actions confidence. Your hands roamed over your body, tempting Kylo.

"What are you doing? Wh.."

Before he could ask anything else you harshly grabbed his face, showing him you were in charge here.

"No talking or touching, unless I say so."

You continued your sultry dance getting closer and closer to the point where your body brushed his. With every touch of your body against his, the lust in Kylo's eyes grew. His hands twitched at his sides, wanting so badly to touch. You started grinding against his crotch in a type of lap dance. His large hand came up and grabbed your ass, causing you to quickly turn, "If you can't be a good boy, then you can't have my pussy."

Lust swirled in his eyes from the threat. Kylo swallowed his pride and forced himself to submit even though he would much rather take control and fuck the living shit out of you. You saw the change and knew it was time to move forward. Slowly, you unhooked your bra and tugged off the lace panties. You motioned for him to stand and started taking his uniform off, gently dragging your fingertips across the uncovered skin. Shivers to run up his body from the motion. After he was stripped, you moved away admiring his body. The intimidation of your stare made him visibly shrink, lowering his gaze to the ground. Now that Kylo was completely under your control you pushed him back on the couch, climbed on top of him, and made his thick length fill you. He gasped, not expecting that. You slowly pumped yourself up and down on his dick focusing more on his pleasure than yours. Your fingers brushed against his abs as you kissed his neck. Kylo moaned lowly as you found his weak spot, sucking on it more forcefully. You crowded his mind with images of him fucking you senselessly in so many different places and ways. Kylo white-knuckled the leather couch to stop himself from touching you. His breathing was heavy, almost panting.

"What do you want baby?" you asked.

His voice was so husky as he answered, "Let me touch you."

You smirked at the obvious need in his voice, but his answer didn't satisfy you because it sounded more like a command. Once you didn't answer, Kylo knew he had to try again.

"Please, let me touch you."

His voice was so needy and lustful it made you smile and nod.

His giant hands quickly engulfed your curves, hungrily pulling you closer. Kylo grabbed your hips, helping you lift and slam them down on him. His pace got faster and faster, and you knew he was close. You grasped his black locks, pulling his head back so your eyes connected.

"Don't cum until I tell you to," you commanded.

Anger blazed in his eyes, but he obeyed. He continued to slam your hips into his and his moans were coming faster and louder. You wanted to hear Kylo beg just like you had done. To get Kylo to give in faster, you squeezed his length with your walls.

"Ahhhh, Y/N!"

You leaned down and whispered, "All you have to do is beg Kylo. Give in."

He shook his head, not willing to give up more of his pride. Slightly angry, you continued your assault by sucking his neck and squeezing your walls.

Kylo's head leaned against the back wall, eyes shut tightly. He stayed like that for a minute longer, then he burst out, "Please, please let me cum. I'm begging."

You smirked and whispered, "Good boy, cum with me."

He opened his eyes and grabbed your hips harder. His eyes burned with hunger as they connected with yours. Kylo aggressively pumped into you, moaning your name as he came. At the same time, you gripped his arms as you went over the edge, screaming his name.

After you both came down from your highs, Kylo breathlessly said, "Damn, can we do this again?"

You laughed and nodded, ready for round two.

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