Chapter 16: Calm Before the Storm

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After getting back to the star destroyer Kylo and you departed, letting you get some sleep while he checked in with Snoke. He told you to meet him in the training room in a couple of hours. So, you slept and then did exactly that. You walked into the room to find Kylo waiting at a table, his back to you. Excited to see him, you snuck up behind him and wrapped your arms around his broad shoulders. Then, you leaned down to kiss his cheek.

"Good morning, Kylo."

He let out a light chuckle, "Good morning, Y/N."

His light tone quickly got serious as he continued, "I hate to get straight into this, but we need to talk about your task yesterday."

You nodded and took the seat in front of him.

"Snoke wanted to know the details to make sure you are progressing well and getting acquainted with the dark side. So just tell me what happened."

He took out a notebook and pen to jot down your story.

Your voice was strong as you explained, taking pride in your work, "First, I walked into the station and up to Unkar's stall. I assumed that's where he would be. Most people were frightened by my appearance and stepped out of my way. There was this one scavenger who didn't move, so I told him too. He wasn't going to, but then he saw my mask and thought I was you."

Kylo laughed and continued to write.

"Then, Unkar shouted about where his line went and came out of the stall to see me. He also thought I was you and I used that to my advantage. I intimidated him and he started talking about how much trouble I was and I deserved everything he did to me. So, naturally, I became furious, and force choked him. But I decided not to kill him just yet. I released him and took off my helmet to show him it was me."

Kylo shook his head and smiled at the force choke part, knowing where you got that from.

"He said I couldn't do anything to him and shit talked me some more before I told him to beg for his life. He didn't, of course, and belittled me some more. The anger became overwhelming and I sliced 0ff his head. I struck fear into the watching scavengers and then left."

You leaned back in your chair, arms crossed and chin held high. Kylo's mouth hung open slightly, shocked.

"Wow, that was hot."

Blood flooded your cheeks from his comment.

"Is there anything else you need to know?"

Kylo read over some questions he had written before, "Snoke wants to know if you felt the dark side enter into you after killing Unkar. But, I already know it did because of our hot kinky sex. So no that's it."

Your cheeks flushed even more, while he just smirked. To change the subject before you got even more embarrassed, you asked, "What are we doing today since I've finished my training."

"Well, I have a meeting with Hux and Snoke soon, but I could spend some time with you before it. We could test out how the dark side has changed your abilities."

You nodded and got up from the table, walking over to the open area. Your hand grasped the metal hilt attached to your side and activated it. Every time you saw the red saber it filled you with excitement. Kylo walked over to you and his gloved hand reached down to grasp his saber as well. He brought it up in a fighting stance and ignited it. You matched his stance and without warning launched at him, hitting his saber hard. Kylo stumbled back only a few steps because his frame was much larger than yours. But those few steps still made a smirk appear on your lips. He frowned and pushed his lightsaber against yours, causing you to stumbled back. He took the opportunity to slice at your torso. It seemed since the dark side rushed into you, there was more power in your blows and your technique was better. Before, Kylo's red beam would have cut through your chest, but now you quickly blocked it with your own. He looked up at you in awe.

"You've gotten better," Kylo praised.

You swung at his arm to which he blocked it as well.

"The dark side has its advantages, I have to say."

Kylo laughed and once again tried to hit your body to no avail. This sparring continued for a while with neither of you having the advantage. Kylo didn't look tired at all, the sweat on his brow the only evidence of the strain. You, however, were breathing heavily and sweat dripped down your face. This match needed to end soon because you couldn't last much longer. But, no way were you going to let Kylo win. You still hadn't lost your competitiveness. He used all of his strength to swing the blade towards your side. The swing was wild, throwing him slightly of balance. This didn't go unnoticed as you took the chance to kick his legs out from underneath him. Your victorious smile was cut short as he grabbed your legs and took you down with him, your body falling on top of his. Your laugh and his husky one filled the area.

"I won. I'm better than Master Kylo Ren, the almighty and powerful sith!"

Kylo smirked and suddenly flipped both of you over so now he was on top. His dark hair hung over his face, almost touching yours, and his arms caged your head.

"Oh really, because I'm on top now. So, I won."

You laughed and reached up to ruffle his hair. Seeing him being silly and playful made you forget that this man could kill anyone he wanted to, but then again so could you. If someone looked at the two of you, no one would guess that you were some of the most powerful Sith Lords. Right now, it just looked like kids having fun. Kylo's brown eyes sparkled with joy and affection. It made you feel, dare you say,  loved. He leaned down and connected your lips. The kiss wasn't heated or needy, just gentle and caring. He pulled away with a huge smile on his face and one on yours as well.

Outside the room, unknown to Kylo and you, General Hux had come to get Kylo for their meeting. As he approached the door, he heard laughing which was odd considering painful screams usually filled the ship. Curious, he peered into the room from the window on the door. What he saw was quite shocking. Kylo Ren was laughing and smiling while on top of you. He had never seen Kylo happy before, it was strange and unpleasant. Then, Kylo kissed you. Hux quickly became angry. How dare Kylo disobey Commander Snoke! He was strictly told that love makes you weak. If love corrupted Kylo then it has also corrupted the First Order. A Sith can't love and still be powerful. This was the last straw for Hux. For years, he had to deal with Kylo's temper tantrums and Snoke's favoritism towards him. But, not anymore, this would be the end of Kylo Ren.

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