Chapter 14: Power

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"Tonight? Why so soon?" You questioned as Kylo rushed you to your room.

He didn't turn to face you because he was in too much of a rush, "Snoke and Hux have been breathing down my neck trying to get me to get you ready. So I think you're ready, and we shouldn't wait."

Am I ready? I think I am, but what if I can't do it. What if I see Unkar and fear takes over instead of power?

"Don't worry. You're going to be fine," Kylo consoled you.

His words soothed your nerves slightly, but there was nothing that could stop all of your worrying about this final task.

You arrived at your room, and Kylo instructed you to pack a spare of clothing, and then he whisked you out of the room and headed down to the docking station. There he hurried you into a shuttle. Kylo quickly sat down in the pilot seat, and you sat next to him. It felt nice to be by his side even when your nerves were eating at you. The shuttle took off, and he said, "Put your uniform on. I think it will help."

You nodded and slipped out of the chair to your bag. It probably would help some because, in some way, it would be like Kylo was with you during your final test. You opened the bag and pulled out the black pants, shirt, gloves, cape, and helmet. As you lifted your shirt off, you could feel Kylo's gaze on your body.

"Keep your eyes on the road," you teased.

In reality, you didn't mind if he looked at you because he had already seen it all. It just made you a little nervous and have butterflies in your stomach, but that was nice.

It didn't take you long to put everything on. You kept the helmet off for now because there was no need to wear it. The uniform did help, just as Kylo had predicted. What you look like is part of the act. If you display that you're powerful and dominant, then it will seem real. The uniform was definitely helping the nerves some, but the nearer you got to Jakku, the more you felt like you were going to throw up. You never again wanted to go back to Jakku or to see Unkar, but now you had to do both. There was no choice really; Unkar had to be the person you kill. He was the only person who brought you true pain. So why were you worrying so much? It was probably mostly the fear of turning back into that little girl that let him hurt her. But the other part was disappointing Kylo. You hated to admit it, but you valued him option very much, and during training, you loved his praise. Seeing disappoint instead of praise when he looked at you would hurt so much.

"Y/N, stop thinking so much; there's no need to worry so much. Everything is going to be okay. I mean, come on, you had an excellent teacher. "

You laughed, "Yes, I did."

Your thoughts settled from Kylo's encouragement, and together you flew in comfortable silence. In no time, you arrived at Jakku. The ship gently lowered into the sand, and the door opened. Kylo motioned for you to exit, but your feet were frozen to the floor. He got up and stood in front of you, leaning down to give you a sweet kiss.

"You can do it. Just think of me when you're afraid, and I'll give you strength."

You nodded, and shakingly ook your first step down the ramp. Eventually, you made it outside and started to approach Unkar's stall. Once you got close, you put your helmet on to complete your look. As people began to notice you, some ran away while others came closer curious of what was going on. The closer you got to Unkar stall, the more anger was building. You expected to be nervous being on Jakku again, but with your new powers, nothing could hurt you anymore. There were no more nerves, just rage.

There was a line of scavengers waiting to get their portions, but once they saw your figure steadily approaching, the line thinned out, only one man still in the line. You came up behind him and whispered in his ear, "Move out of my way."

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