Chapter 18: Betrayal

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Kylo and you marched down the hallways into an area you hadn't been before. It was similar to Kylo's side of the ship but bigger. General Hux stood in front of a large door that you assumed was the entrance to the room where Snoke was.

"It's nice to see you, General Hux," you couldn't help the sarcasm that dripped from your mouth.

He sneered back, "It's just as nice to see you."

You were about to fire back, but Kylo stepped in. He didn't want you to cause a scene; there was already a lot at risk.

"Let's go in. We don't want to keep Snoke waiting."

Hux and you huffed in agreement. Kylo hit the sensor and the door slid open, revealing a large room with red walls, a black floor, and a throne. On the throne sat Supreme Leader Snoke. He wasn't what you envisioned. In your mind, he was an older man, but healthy and strong. This man, if you would even call it a man, was ugly and sickly looking. How did this thing command the entire First Order and intimidate Kylo?

Kylo and Hux had already started walking forward, so you quickly caught up. Anticipation clawed at you as you were approaching Snoke, before long you would sit on that throne. Together, you stopped about fifteen feet away from him. Kylo stood in the middle, Hux to his right and you to his left.

"General Hux, what was so urgent that you had to have a meeting as soon as possible?"

Hux cleared his throat nervously, "There's a pressing matter that needed to be brought to your attention."

He stopped to make sure he had Snoke's attention then continued, "Y/N has fallen in love with Master Ren. She has been trying to make him disobey you and become weak as she has."

Snoke's beady eyes shot to you, moving down your body, making you squirm.

"How long has this been going on, Ren?" He said while still starring at you.

"I'm not sure. Not too long before I reported it to General Hux."

If Kylo was nervous you couldn't tell because the mask hid any tremble in his voice. Snoke's gaze left you and moved to Kylo. Your body relaxed, having his eyes not on you anymore. You didn't know where this conversation was going and that was making you nervous.

Snoke rubbed his wrinkly chin, thinking.

"Why didn't you report her disobedience immediately once you noticed?"

Kylo paused a second before answering, "I thought I could handle it myself without getting you involved with a small issue like that."

Snoke's response was instant and his tone was deadly serious, not humorous at all, "I don't believe you."

Hux had a huge smirk on his face, knowing Kylo had not told Snoke about your feelings because he wanted to keep the sexual relationship. He thought it was funny that Kylo used you without you knowing.

You watched silently hoping Snoke didn't ask you anything and wondered how Kylo would handle this.

"I never became weak like her. I knew she was a promising sith and I didn't want to turn her away. Y/N might have gone to the resistance if she knew I didn't return her feelings. I mean, really, do you think I could love a broken little girl like her?"

Ouch. It's okay. This is just part of the act, right? He didn't really mean that. You looked over to Hux to see him with an evil smile. Something about this wasn't right, it made you uneasy. Snoke had watched you as Kylo spoke to see your reaction. He saw you flinch and your hurt expression, that was the only evidence he needed. Although, Kylo's answer seemed to ease Snoke's suspicion of him.

"Well, it's obvious the girl has feelings for you. There is only one way to solve this problem."

Suddenly, you were lifted off the ground and bought in front of Kylo. Using the force, Snoke forced you to kneel.

"She must be executed."

What! This wasn't going to plan. We're going to come in here and fucking kill Snoke, so why weren't we doing that!

"Very good, sir. Very good idea!" Hux cheered whiling aggressively clapping his hands. You shot him a glare, knowing that he hadn't been fond of her since they had met.

You stared in Kylo's helmet hoping to find some comfort, but it didn't help. The empty eyeholes stated back, adding to your discomfort. Desperate, you reached into his mind, only to be forced out by him. Kylo's hand reached down and pulled out his lightsaber, igniting it. The red beam caused fear to erupt in your body. He brought it up, aiming for your neck. Rage and fear overwhelmed your senses until you couldn't hold back.

"What are you doing? This wasn't the plan! I can't believe you would betray me like this. How could you agree to kill me? You were the best thing that had ever happened to me. You said you loved me. Now, this! You're fucking disgusting!"

Kylo's movements didn't cease as he continued to line his body up to make the perfect cut across your neck. But before he could strike, Snoke interrupted him.

"If you don't feel anything towards her, take off your mask and look her in the eyes as she dies. This is, my boy, is your true test of power!"

Kylo slowly lowered his arms, tucking his lightsaber away, and reached up for his mask. He unleashed it and pulled it away to reveal his face. You hoped that it would look like he was breaking inside, but he looked indifferent. He really didn't care. He was going to kill you. Snoke nodded for him to continue. Kylo ignited the lightsaber once again and got back into his position. He lowered his gaze and his brown eyes connected with yours. They were cold and distant, not the warm eyes who told you he loved you only hours ago. Salty tears swelled in your eyes and slipped down your checks. Normally, you would have quickly wiped them away, saying it was stupid to cry. But it didn't matter now; you were going to die.

Kylo continued to stare at you as he put all of his strength into his arm, swinging the blade towards your neck. A single tear slid down his cheek, making your lips form a small smile. As much as his betrayal hurt, you knew he still cared even if it was only a little bit. You quickly whispered right before the blade hit, "I love you," and closed your eyes.

A few seconds after the lightsaber should have seared your head off but didn't, you opened your eyes. You gasped seeing Kylo had a last moment force pulled Snoke directly behind you and severed his head instead of yours. You stared up at him in shock while Hux screamed, "What the hell have you done!"

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