Chapter 19: New Rulers

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*Last Chapter :)

You stared up at Kylo in awe, tears still fresh on your cheeks. Hux quickly ran out of the room to get the guards waiting in the hallway. The shock was starting to wearing off, and you looked behind to see Snoke's headless body. Warm blood pooled around the wound, and the severed head laid about two feet away. His last expression was deceiving. He died with a smile on his face, not knowing his star pupil was about to murder him. A few minutes had passed as you blankly stared at the body. Kylo became impatient and scooped you up into a hug. He clutched you tightly to his chest; it was hard to breathe.

Kylo's voice was a rushed whisper as he explained, "I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I didn't mean anything I said. Hux and I made a deal that we would blame you, and you would die, not me. I tricked him into thinking I didn't have feelings for you. All along I planned on killing Snoke like we talked about. I played along, so Snoke wouldn't be suspicious."

You pushed back from him to catch your breath, "Why did you start to cry when you were about to fake kill me if you were going to kill Snoke all along. You could've changed your mind at the last second. How do I know that you never intended to kill me?"

You knew that Kylo was sincere about wanting to kill Snoke and that he was never going to hurt you, but some part of you doubted him.

He paused for a second, looking hurt as if thinking about it was too much, "I started to cry because losing you would wreck me. Killing Snoke was always the plan. Please, believe that. I love you so much, living without you would be unbearable."

You gazed into his teary eyes, seeing the truth they held and gently guided his lips to yours, accepting his words. His rough lips matched yours seamlessly as you kissed him. Kylo pulled you close, never wanting to let go. You grabbed his hair, pulling his lips closer, but before it could become heated, Hux barged in with an army of stormtroopers.

"These traitors murdered Supreme Leader Snoke. They must pay for this heinous crime, attack!"

The stormtroopers stood still long enough for you and Kylo to grab your lightsabers and get into fighting stances. Five troopers ran forward, three went for Kylo, and two for you. Kylo slashed the first one across the torso, then cut the leg off the second, and finally plunging the blade into the third trooper's chest. His technique was exceptional, and you were sure you looked like a child compared to him. But you were able to take down your stormtroopers as well. The first one came up for a frontal attack while the other stayed farther back and shot at you. He swung his baton, and you dodged, also having to blot a shot. You moved around so that it would be harder to be hit by the stormtrooper in the back. He again swung at you but missed when his partner took a bad shot and hit his arm. You took the opportunity to slice him across the chest and then force pushed him into his partner, killing two birds with one stone. You joined back with Kylo. Together, standing side to side, you waited for the next batch of troopers, but they didn't come. They stood still some even stepping backward. Their hands shook as they tried to hold their guns ready.

"Next squad!"

The stormtroopers all turned to look at Hux, but no one stepped forward.

"What the hell is the matter with all of you? Have you any bravery? They killed Snoke!"

One trooper lowered his gun and spoke up, "There's no way we can beat them and what's the point. The only person that cares that Snoke is dead is you."

Hux's face twisted into disgust. He was about to refute; however, the stormtrooper wasn't done.

"Snoke had been running the First Order into the ground. It's about time we have new leadership and you not being part of it."

Hux audibly gasped at the thought of him not being in control of anything. They all hummed in agreement and lowered their weapons as well. Then collectively, they got on one knee to salute their new leaders. Hux pushed past the troopers causing a few to topple over.

"This is ridiculous! I won't allow you two to become our leaders. If anyone, it should be me. You're both not fit for the position! Snoke would have wanted me to step up in his absence."

You looked at Kylo for permission to handle Hux to which he smirked and nodded. Stepping forward, you closed the distance between you and Hux.

"Frankly,it doesn't matter what Snoke would've wanted because he's dead. So, you will either submit under our reign, or you will die.  I hope you don't submit because it will be so much fun to kill you myself."

While you were talking, Hux sneakily took a pistol out of his coat and fired it. You noticed just before the blast could hit, and you blocked it with your lightsaber. Then, you quickly forced grabbed him, pulling him closer. Your lightsaber fatally sliced him across the chest. He gasped and fell to the floor, not knowing what hit him. You put your lightsaber away and said to the stormtroopers, "Take his body away and spread the news of your new rulers."

They hushed a chorus of "Yes ma'am," and rushed out of the room.

Kylo walked back and sat down on Snoke's throne, which was now his. He motioned for you to come to him. You happily obeyed, and he patted his lap. Taking his offer, you jumped up on his lap, with your feet hanging off the throne's edge. He looked over the vast, almost empty room.

"We'll build you a throne right there," he said, pointing just left of his, "Right next to mine."

You snuggled into his chest and said, "That's okay. I'm fine riiiigggght here. Hmmm, but I would like some alone time with my King."

Kylo laughed and leaned down for a kiss, "Anything for my queen."

--------------------------The End-------------------------

Thank you for everyone that has read to the end. I hope you guys enjoyed it.

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