Chapter 13: The Suit

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Waking up in Kylo's arms was a strange feeling, but it felt good. It was what you had wanted. With his arms wrapped around you, his chest pressing into your back, you had never felt closer to him than you did now. You turned over to face him and was shocked to find him already awake and staring at you.

"Why didn't you wake me up?"

He reached up and brushed the hair out of your face.

"You looked calm and happy. I couldn't wake you up."

It was weird to say you were happy because it had been a very long time since you had felt like that. You went from being abused in a junkyard to being loved in a star destroyer, quite a change. At this moment, you wouldn't change anything. Everything felt right.

"Still, don't I have to train today? You said my training was almost over."

He unwrapped his arms and got up from the bed, going to his closet. You shivered from the loss of warmth, wrapping your own arms around yourself to get the heat back. He came out of the closet holding his usual clothing.

"Yes, you're almost done. There's one final task, but we'll talk about that later. First, I've had something made up for you. I think you'll like it."

You jumped out of bed, excited because you didn't get presents often.

"What is it?"

Kylo laughed, "It's a surprise. Let's get dressed and eat something; then we can go."

He started changing into his usual uniform. Kylo's muscles flexed as he took his shirt off, revealing his muscular chest and core. Your mouth hung open slightly from shock. Damn, this man got hotter every time I see him. 

"Stop staring and get changed," Kylo smirked.

You face glowed red from being caught, "I don't have any clothes here."

He pointed to a drawer in a chest against the wall. Curious, you walked to it and opened it to find a bunch of clothes that looked to be your size. You turned to Kylo with a questioning eyebrow raised. His large hand nervously ruffled his hair, "I put some of your clothes in my room just in case something like this happened."

You smiled and changed into some black leggings and a black tank top, what you usually wore. Once you were done, you looked up to see Kylo's gaze glued to your body.

"Kylo," you said as you waved your hand in front of his face. He snapped out of the trance, cheeks slightly flushed. Awww, cute Kylo. To hide his embarrassment, he rushed into the kitchen, and you followed.

He got out some eggs and bread. It seemed like he was making scrambled eggs and toast for the both of you. You sat at the kitchen island, watching him. It was so odd to see Kylo Ren of all people in a kitchen making breakfast for you, but you loved it. Him cooking in his uniform was quite a sight; big bad Kylo Ren was preparing food for his love. He placed a plate in front of you. Along with the eggs and toast, there were strawberries and oranges on the side. Amazed, you whispered a thank you to which he responded with a curt nod. The food was so tasty, note to self, get yourself a man that can cook. Both of you sat quietly, eating breakfast, just enjoying each other's company. After you were both done, Kylo got up and headed for the door, and you followed. He guided you through many hallways, past the training room, and into a large room. It had lots of weapons and stormtrooper uniforms on the walls. In the center, there looked to be a mannequin or something covered with a black sheet.

"This is your surprise. Take a look."

You hesitantly approached the sheet, grabbing hold of it. Swiftly you took the cloth off, revealing a suit that looked almost identical to Kylo's. The only differences being there were red accents on the body and on the helmet, and it seemed to be your size. You looked at Kylo, smiling.

"You said something about this place needing some red," he grinned.

You ran to him, arms outstretched. He gladly accepted your hug, arms encasing your frame.

"I'm guessing that you like it?"

Reaching up, you sweetly kissed his cheek.

"I love it."

He gave you a slight squeeze then released you, his face serious.

"I told you that there was one more thing to complete your training..." he paused to make sure you were listening and then continued.

"The last task is you have to kill someone to show your strength and passion towards the dark side."

Kill someone? I have to kill someone?

"Who?" You questioned.

Kylo slowly paced the room; it seemed he did that whenever he was thinking.

"It has to be someone that completely enrages you even at the very thought of them. It will make passion consume you, and the dark side take over."

There were many people over the years that you've hated, but no one more than Unkar. He would have to be the one, and you would enjoy killing him. He had ruined your life until now, and you're sure that if Kylo hadn't taken you, Unkar would've still haunted your dreams. Killing him would bring an end to so many years of pain.

"Unkar. It has to be him."

Kylo nodded his head, "I expected he would be the one. Do you have any questions?"

He said the dark side would take over. Does that mean it will change me?

"What happens when the dark side takes over? Am I going to change?"

His pacing stopped, and he looked you in the eyes, sensing your uneasiness.

"Yes, it does change you, but it only makes you embrace who you truly are."

You tilted your head confused. Who I truly am? I wonder how that will be. What if it changes my feelings for Kylo?

"I'll still feel the same way towards you, right?"

Kylo dropped his head, "There's always a chance that you won't."

Your fingertips lifted his head so your eyes would meet and stood on your tippy goes to place a kiss against his lips.

"Forget I even asked that. How could my feelings change when I have you as my boyfriend."

He laughed, "Boyfriend?"

"I mean, yeah. What else would I call you?"

Without hesitation, he answered, "Master."

You blushed because he knew you only called him that during sexy times. Kylo laughed even more, and his laughter was contagious, making you laugh along with him.

"Okay, we have to get you ready to go. You're finishing your training tonight."

He grabbed your hand and rushed out of the room.

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