Chapter 3: Decisions

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A throbbing headache was the perfect way to wake up in a cell. Okay, maybe cell was a little dramatic because it was a reasonably large room. But still, you were being held against you will. You woke up lying on a small cot snuggled into the corner of the room. To the left were a sink and a small toilet. You sat up and groaned. The effects of the struggle earlier taking affect. Your head was pounding, and your body was stiff. You looked around, wondering where you were. You remember what happened, being taken and all. But you were curious about the man with the helmet and dressed in all black. Who was he? You thought back to what he had said before you passed out.

"So, you think I'm an ill-tempered child."

Shit, he's the one the leader makes do all his shit. This was already too much for you. What are they going to do to me, kill me, make me a laborer, torture me? Whatever it was had to be better than your life on Jakku. Boredom kicked in real fast. After several hours, no one came to see you. The hunger was almost unbearable; it had probably been two days since you had eaten last. You got up and paced around the room, giving yourself something to do. In the middle of your 100th lap, the slick door at the front of the room slid open. The dark clothed man stood in the doorway. His intimidating presence made you stop in your tracks.


His real voice was distorted, coming out as robotic and dead of emotion. You slightly stepped back as he entered the room.

"How do you know my name. Who are you?"

He stepped closer to you, about three feet from you.

"I'm Kylo Ren; it's my job to know everything about everyone who has business with the First Order."

So this was Kylo Ren, the gatekeeper of the first order. You had heard something here and there about him but not very much. The only thing was of course he supposedly had a wild temper. You crossed your arms against your chest, annoyance starting to emerge.

"Well, why did you take me? I don't have anything that the First Order could want."

He came closer. You weren't scared of him only slightly intimidated. You kept your head raised, gaze stuck to the slits of his helmet.

"That is where you're wrong. You call force chocking Unkar Pulant nothing?" He tilted his head at the question.

Your voice slightly trembled as you said, "I..I don't know what you're talking about. Nothing happened."

Kylo ren stepped even closer to you, his body inches away from yours. His covered head came next to yours and whispered in your ear, "Liar."

You said nothing. Your accelerating heartbeat echoed in your ears. You wanted to run, move, do anything to get away from him, but your body was frozen in place.

"Fine, don't tell me. I already know anyway." He stepped back and started pacing back and forth.

"Here's the deal. You can either be executed or become my apprentice. Which do you choose?"

You looked at him—thinking, which would be better. To be honest, your life has been shit for the last ten years, and dying didn't seem like a terrible option. On the other hand, you were only nineteen. For most of your life, you had been abused by Unkar and forced to work for food. Your mother was dead, no family left. This could be a fresh start, a way to get revenge on anyone that had wronged you. Kylo had been staring at you for almost 5 minutes and was getting impatient.

"Have you decided yet. I'm not waiting forever for your answer," he said annoyance lacing his words.

You cleared your throat and stabled your voice, "I'll be your apprentice."

"Very well, let's go."

He turned and walked out of the room. Your feet were frozen to the floor, your body in shock from the life-changing decision you had just made. Kylo's helmet came back into view in the doorway.

"Let's go. I don't have all day to babysit you."

You almost wanted to keep standing there to irritate him more, but you thought it probably wasn't the best decision at that moment, so you reluctantly followed him. You walked behind him, taking in his massive frame. His shoulders were broad and muscular, his waist was slim, and his hands looked almost twice the size of yours. You had no idea where he was leading you because his 6'2 stature blocked your 5'6 view. Your eyes turned to look at the walls around you. They were all black, no color anywhere. How boring, a splash of red would be nice. You hadn't noticed that Kylo stopped and rammed into him. He didn't turn to look at you as he said, "This is your room, everything you need is in there. Training starts tomorrow at 7:00 am. Stormtroopers will be at your door to escort you to the training room." You stared at his retreating form when your stomach growled loudly.

"Hey, wait! I haven't eaten in two days. I need some food."

He stopped mid-walk and said, "I'll make sure you get some," then he walked away. You walked into your new room, gazing around. It was a decent size. Everything was black from the walls to the furniture. That seemed to be the theme around here. In the left corner was a queen size bed, to the right was a dresser. You looked inside, and of course, all the clothing was black as well. On the other side of the room was a bathroom. There as a large shower, which you couldn't wait to use. You've never had a proper shower before. A shower to you was just pouring some water on your head and scrubbing the sand off and boom you were clean, sort of. You wasted no time and peeled off your grimly clothes, stepping into the shower. It took you a second to figure out how to how to turn it on, but once the hot spray hit you, relaxation took over. You thought this was the right decision. No more hot long labors day in the sun over and over again. You don't know how long you spent in the shower, but the time you got out and looked at the clock next to your bed, it read 1:15 am. Shit, well, I'm not getting any sleep. You changed into a black silk sleep dress becuase frankly there wasn't anything else. It definitely wouldn't have been your first choice, but it would do. You looked at the bed and noticed a tray of food. I guess someone came in while I was showering. It had a large red apple and some type of sandwich. You bit into the sandwich, moaning at how good it tasted. You then hungrily munched on the apple, it had been such a long time since you had fresh food. After finishing the meal, you got under the covers of the bed. The sheets were black silk as well. It was such a change from just two days ago. You looked at the clock to see it was almost 1:45 am. I should probably try to sleep if I'm going to have to train tomorrow. I have no idea what things he will make me do. As soon as you closed your eyes, you drifted into a peaceful sleep, which, of course, was disturbed by a nightmare just like every other night.

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