Chapter 8: Force Training

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Today was the same as always, wake up, eat, get ready, and go to the training room. The only thing different about today was your dream from last night.

TW: nightmare with abuse

Unkar didn't like that you had complained about the meager portion he had given you and attacked you on your way home. He kicked you to the ground and took out his whip.

"Y/N, will when you learn that disrespecting me has consequences?"

You didn't say anything; it wasn't worth wasting your breath. When you didn't answer, he flung the whip onto your back. Your hands grabbed at the sand for anything to help support you. Just as Unkar was about to whip you again, a hand grabbed his wrist. Lifting your head from the sand, you saw Kylo. His body towered over Unkar, making him look small and weak. Unkar withered in Kylo's presence.

"What do you think you're doing?" Kylo growled.

He snatched the whip from Unkar's fat hand and tossed it to the side.

"This stupid girl works for me, I can do whatever I want to her."

Kylo laughed menacingly, "Well don't you technically work for the First Order? So that means I can do whatever I want to you."

Kylo reached out with force and choked him until he passed out, body going limp. You gazed at him in awe because he had just saved you.


As you walked into the room, once again, Kylo was waiting for you.

"I'm here, and on time I might say."

He turned to face you, "Hmmm, I guess you've learned your lesson."

I wonder what other kinds of punishments he could give me? He walked over to the open area, and there was a stormtrooper.

"Today you're going to practice using the force, and this stormtrooper will be your test dummy."

He motioned for you to join him, and you quickly did, excitement filling you. You wanted to be able to do what Kylo had been doing like force choking, mind reading, the cool stuff.

Kylo turned to you, "What do you want to learn first?"

Without hesitation, you answered, "Mind reading."

You could hear the laughter in his response, "Of course you do. Okay, go to the stormtrooper and place your hand on his head. Use the force to enter his mind."

Approaching the trooper, you were a little nervous because you didn't want to disappoint Kylo. But it was also the first time doing this so he shouldn't expect much. Your hand shook as you placed it on the helmet. You relaxed your mind and reached out to the force, searching for its power. Then you focused on the trooper trying to get inside his head. Just as you felt your fingers reach into his mind, Kylo's voice interrupted you.

"How's it going, Y/N?"

He must have known that you were almost inside the trooper's head and distracted you just to make you angry, and it worked.

"What the fuck. I was almost there," you yelled at him, annoyed.

Kylo crossed his arms and said, "Well you should be able to do it again."

Yeah, I can do it again, Asshole. Once again, you reached for the force, angry guiding you. You felt its power and moved you focused on the stormtrooper's mind. Your anger made it easier to creep inside his mind. Your fingers quickly moved into his thoughts.

Holy shit, she did it.

You chuckled, "I got it."

Kylo looked at you, skeptical of your success.

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