Chapter 17: Falling Apart

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There are only going to be a few more chapters so if you've read this far congrats and thanks so much!

The next morning Kylo was in the control room. There was a surge of rebel activity that needed to be taken care of. Kylo and General Hux needed to make a plan and dispatch stormtroopers to take care of them.

"Thrity stormtroopers should be enough to take of it. They will leave tonight. Do you disagree, Hux?"

Hux just smiled and said, "No. It sounds like an excellent plan."

Kylo was surprised because Hux usually wanted to change something. He never just agreed. This sparked some paranoia, but he pushed it aside. It was probably nothing.

They continued to talk about the plan and some other issues. Hux continued to agree with everything Kylo was saying. The paranoia he pushed down came back even stronger. He decided to say something.

"You seem in good spirits today."

"Yes, everything is well."

It seemed that Hux wasn't going to say much, so Kylo pressed for more.

"Did something happen to make you happy today?"

Hux smirked, "How's Y/N?"

Why was he asking that? His mask protected him from Hux seeing the growing panic.

"She's well. Y/N finished her training. Why do you ask?"

If Hux was cocky before he practically glowed with arrogance now.

"It seems you two are very close."

Kylo was on the defense now trying to shake Hux from whatever idea he was trying to prove.

"She's my apprentice, of course we're close."

Hux chuckled darkly, "So you kiss all of your apprentices?"

Kylo froze. Fuck. FUCK. He knows. This isn't good.

"I don't know what you're talking about," Kylo lied.

Hux using his new confidence got in Kylo's face to intimidate him and spilled everything.

"I know about you and Y/N. Snoke is going to hear about this. He's your master and when he learns that you betrayed him, he's going to kill you and her. Then, I will get the respect and position I deserve."

Kylo's anger had consistently grown thought out the conservation. He couldn't hold it back anymore and launched Hux into the wall, taking hold of his throat.

"You're not going to tell Snoke. I'll kill you. I never liked you anyway."

He applied more pressure to Hux's neck.

He strangled out, "If you kill me Snoke will kill you and the girl anyway."

As much as Kylo didn't want to admit it; he was right. Kylo reluctantly released his neck, making Hux gasp for air. He needed a plan to get out of this mess. There was no way that Hux wouldn't tell Snoke. He hated Kylo as much as Kylo hated him. There was only one thing he could do.

"I know there's no stopping you. I would do the same thing if I was in your position. I'll make you a deal. Y/N dies, not me. We say she came onto me, it was all her. I never cared about her anyway."

Hux eyes widened from the response but it also angered him. He stomped him foot and balled his fists.

"No I will not let you get away with betraying our leader. I don't care if your some Sith Lord. You're an ignorant child," he spat.

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