Chapter 12: Feelings

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Authors note: Sorry that I was slow to update, I've been pretty busy, but I'm going to try and update faster next time.
Once again, your alarm clock woke you, shaking you got out of bed. It was another nightmare. Just when you had thought Kylo had erased Unkar from your dreams, he hurt you, and Unkar came flooding back. You wish you didn't need Kylo to distract you from your past, but you obviously did.

After getting ready, your stormtrooper escorted you to the training room. With each step closer, more and more dread filled you. It was probably going to be awkward since just yesterday Kylo fucked you against the training room wall. Also, not to mention the fact that you were falling for him, and he seemed to not give a shit about you. But, it wasn't like you could just skip training today. It didn't matter anyway because you had reached the room. The stormtrooper left, and you stood at the door for a few seconds, siking yourself up to walk in. Entering, you found Kylo in the middle of the room like usual, waiting for you. Seeing him made butterflies flutter in your stomach, but flames of anger ignite. He didn't greet you and went straight into his overview of practice for today.

"You're almost at the end of your training. There are only a few more tasks that you have to complete. Today, you're going to build your lightsaber."

You didn't know what you expected, but it wasn't this. You know maybe he would show some warmth, but nope it was like he didn't care at all. Kylo turned and walked to a table, and you followed. It was filled with different metals, wires, and tools.

"How am I supposed to build it? I've never built anything in my life," you questioned.

His fists clenched before he pulled out his lightsaber, setting it on the table.

"Use mine as an example. Everyone builds their own, so you have to too."

You sat down at the table, expecting him to sit down and help you, but he started to walk away.

"Kylo, you're not going to help me?"

His retreating form stopped, hands fisted. Even with the distortion from the mask, you could hear his angry tone, "What can you not figure it out yourself? I did. So you should be able to. Now leave me alone."

What was his problem? You didn't say anything back; he obviously wasn't in the best mood. Once he left, you got to work. Not knowing where to start, you picked up Kylo's saber. The hilt was a heavy black metal with red wires. You didn't want to copy his exactly because it was yours, so it should look somewhat different. Inspecting your variety of choices, you went with a dark shiny silver metal and the same red wires. After about twenty tries and a lot of mistakes and snack breaks, you saw some results. The metal casing was pretty much done, but now you had to do all the stuff on the inside. You noticed a small booklet underneath a box of tools. Grabbing it, you looked at it, and it showed how to build it. Why didn't Kylo tell me there was a book, asshole? You spend about an hour going through the book and fixing some mistakes and reading what to do next. Altogether it had probably been about eight hours. Just as you were starting to put together the power assembly. Kylo came stomping back into the room.

"Are you serious? This is all you've done? It's been eight hours. How stupid are you?"

Why was he being mean? I didn't do anything. Is this how he really was? He was nicer at first because he wanted to get in my pants, and then he did so now there's no reason to be even remotely kind anymore. The rejection and frustration caused anger to quickly surge forward.

"Oh, I'm sorry, fuckface. I've been working the entire eight hours trying to figure this out by looking at your stupid lightsaber when I could have just read this book, and then it would have been done by now. Why didn't I know there was a book? Oh, good question, because you didn't fucking tell me about it!"

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