Chapter 2: Taken

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You crashed into the old AT-AT walker, breathing heavily. The exhaustion hit your body hard, making your legs cave and slump against the wall. Hunger gnawed at your stomach, making you groan wishing you had something to eat. You didn't even stand up, just crawled to your small bed, it being only slightly more comfortable than the hard metal floor. As you laid in bed, you looked at your hands. They were rough from labor but still small and delicate. How could these dainty hands almost crush Unkar's neck? Tears swelled in your eyes, but you wiped at them before they could fall. You don't cry. Crying is weakness. You had learned a long time ago that crying made the beatings worse. Once Unkar realized you weren't going to cry, he stopped beating you. It had been two years since your last lashing. You guess it couldn't get him off seeing your stone-cold face instead of tears streaming down your cheeks. You went back to the moment when your hand was strangling him. How was that possible? You had never shown signs of being force sensitive before so why now?Maybe your anger triggered it. The rage motivated your actions, but they were still yours, and you were very aware during it. You knew that in an instant, you would do it again. After hours of contemplating, the exhaustion was too much. Even your endless thoughts couldn't keep you awake, but you wish they did.

TW: Nightmare with abuse

Unkar stood over you, whip in hands. Trembling, you raised your head from the sand staring into his cruel blue eyes.

"What did I tell you about trying to steal extra portions?"

You said nothing, laying your head back in the sand, wanting to get over with this. He reached down, grabbing your hair, yanking your head up to meet his stare.

"Answer me, girl."

You spat in his face and growled, snatching your hair out of his grasp. That was the last straw for him. He raised his arm and unleashed a mighty whack to your back. You weren't able to prepare yourself for the pain, so you defeating let out a whimper, which only egged him on more. The whip came down several more times. It wouldn't have been as bad as usual, but this time he was using the leather whip with metal barbs. When it hit, the leather stung, and the barbs stuck into the skin, tearing it as he pulled back. The whip kept meeting your back over and over. Despite the almost unbearable pain, there were no tears. His relentless hits slowed to a stop as he grabbed your hair once again.

"I hope you have learned your lesson because I won't be as nice next time."

BANG...BANG...BANG. You sat up in your bed, startled from being woken up so suddenly. The vivid nightmare still played in your mind as you groggily got out of bed.

"Y/N...OPEN UP!"

You headed to the door, not in the mood for the intrusion. As you opened it, you irritatingly said, "What the fuck do you want. Do I really seem like a social person? I am not up for conversation right now."

Annoyance quickly faded to fear as you eyed the four stormtroopers in front of you. You didn't know much about the First Order other than the basic stuff. But, you knew if stormtroopers were there it meant bad news.

"Y/N, you need to come with us," said the one in the front as he took a step into your home.

Your legs had a mind of their own, walking backward away from them. You dumped into your bed, falling onto it. Seeing that you were cornered, you decided maybe you could talk your way out of this.

"What do you want with me? I haven't done anything."

"The First Order thinks you could be an asset, and we need to get you before the Resistance does."

You shake your head, "I'm nothing but a scavenger. I don't have anything the First Order could want."

"Well, it doesn't matter what you think because we weren't sent to ask you to come with us. We are taking you."

Your fists angrily clutched the bedsheets. Who do these people think they are? They can take me over my dead body. One trooper reached for your leg, and you kicked him hard, making him fall back against the wall. The others jumped into action, two grabbed your arms, and one helped the trooper who fell. You struggled against them, punching, kicking, scratching, whatever you could do.

"Fuck you! This is bullshit. My life is shitty as it is. I don't need some cult ran by an old ass man and protected by an ill-tempered child pulling me into its mess!"

You knew that no matter how much you resisted, they were going to take you. But, that didn't matter; you were angry, and you wanted to punch those stupid helmets off their heads. They had rangled you enough to where each stormtrooper had a limb in their hands. They tried to get out of the AT-AT walker the best they could, considering they had a pissed-off woman doing anything possible to hurt them. Eventually, they made it outside and started walking up the ramp to a ship. As you were brought onto it, you scanned the surroundings. It wasn't large, only meant to hold a few people. The interior was all white, which made the figure wearing all black considerably stand out.

"I see you got the girl."

"Yes, sir. It took a bit longer than expected; she was not very happy about it."

As the figure approached, you could see more. It was a man, tall, muscular, and very intimidating. You could feel his gaze through his helmet, washing over your body. His hand brushed the hair out of your eyes and came down to touch your jaw, making shivers run down your spine.

"So delicate, I don't see why it took you so long to bring her to me."

As his gloved hand brushed over your lips, you bit him, causing a stormtrooper to twist your arm painfully. You let out a scream, which allowed his hand to be released.

"Feisty, I like it."

That only infuriated you more. You struggled against the stormtroopers wanting to hit him. He leaned over you placing his hand on your head. You gasped at a sensation of fingers crawling into your mind.

"So, you think I'm an ill-tempered child."

He waved his hand over your face. The last thing you thought was oh shit, and passed out.

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