Chapter 9: Kylo to the Rescue

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TW: slight sexual assault

After playing around with the force for a little bit, you got bored and started to wander the hallways. You wanted to find more people because, for the time you had been there, it seemed like it was deserted. After a lot of walking, you hear voices and sounds. The hallway opened up to a vast room that held lots of ships: tie fighters mostly and so many stormtroopers. There were mechanics fixing ships and officers talking about battle plans. This was the most people you had seen since you got there. It seemed that you were on the second floor because you stood looking down into the space from a suspended walkway. You walked around, taking in the new surrounding when someone tapped you on the shoulder from behind. Startled, you turned around. It was a stormtrooper, the one who usually picked you up to go to training.

"Y/N, Master Ren has ordered me to escort you to another training session."

Kylo had said he had stuff to do, so what was this?

"I thought Kylo had something to do."

The stormtrooper seemed unsure with his reply, "His meeting was canceled and wanted you to train more."

You weren't going to distrust him because this meant you could see Kylo again today.

"Okay, let's go, you know he doesn't like tardiness," you laughed.

The stormtrooper turned, and you followed him out of the area back into the hallway. The route he took was at first the same as you came but then revered off, taking seemingly random lefts and rights. You didn't know how to get to the training room from where you were, but this didn't seem right.

"Where are we going? This doesn't seem like the right way."

He kept walking and explained, "Master Ren wanted to use a different room."

It seemed like a logical explanation, so you continued to follow him for a while longer until he stopped at a door. He opened it and motioned for you to enter. You looked around confused because it looked like a bedroom. The door slid closed, and he locked it. What was going on? Where was Kylo? The stormtrooper took off his helmet and gloves and started coming towards you. He wasn't nearly as attractive or sexy as Kylo.

"Ever since you opened the door half-naked, I haven't been able to stop thinking about you."

You backed up as he approached, not paying attention to where you were going and ended up falling onto the bed.

"What... what are you talking about. What are you doing?" He chuckled and crawled on top of you.

"I saw an opportunity, and I'm taking it. I'm making my fantasies my reality."

The stormtrooper's hand grasped your hips then abruptly tore off your shirt revealing your skin. His hand slowly moved up until they cupped your bra-covered breasts. Nausea crawled at the back of your throat. If felt so wrong because one, you didn't consent to this and two, it wasn't Kylo.

"Get the fuck off of me!" You screamed as you swung a punch at his head.

He barely caught your fist before it hit him and struggled to bring both of you arms above your head.

"You're stronger than I thought but not strong enough to stop me."

That made you struggle more. You wanted to see what his intentions were, so you used your training form today. Using the force, you crept into his thoughts and saw the vile things he had dreamt about doing to you. Him slamming into you as you begged for mercy, suffocating you as you chocked on his dick, and so many more. Rage boiled beneath your skin. You fought against his hold. He used one hand to hold your wrists and the other he brought down to your neck and started to strangle you.

"If I can't fuck you while you're alive. I guess I could of you're dead," He panted.

Your vision started to blur, black dots spotting your vision. Kylo! Kylo! Help me! No matter who much you screamed for Kylo to save you, you knew he wasn't going to get there in time. But you were not going to let this lowlife kill you. With the last bit of conciseness, you focused everything into using the force to fling him back into the wall. With his grip on your neck gone, you gasped, trying to fill your deprived lungs. The trooper groaned as his body slid down to the floor. As he started to get up, you force chocked him, picking him up and making his limbs flail in the air. Just as he was about to pass out, the door was kicked down and in walked Kylo. He looked at you then looked at the stormtrooper, who had now fallen to the floor. Rage was radiating off of him. Kylo's arm extended, and the trooper once again was gasping for air.

"What made you think you could assault my apprentice?"

All Kylo got for a response was gurgling for the barely conscious trooper.

"What made you think you would live after doing this. What made you think I wouldn't find out?" His voice raised with each question, the distorted voice barely concealing his deadly tone.

Kylo was quiet for a brief second and then said, "You're thoughts disgust me."

Then he applied more pressure, effectively crushing the stormtrooper's neck. You looked in awe at the scene unfolding in front of you. The terror in the trooper's eyes and the groans of pain-filled you with joy. He didn't die a pleasant death. He died the death of a filthy rapist shit bag. Kylo turned to you but averted his gaze because of your torn shirt. He had already seen your black sports bra when he walked in but was considerate enough to look away now.

"Are you alright, Y/N? Because if he hurt you, I will bring him back from the dead just so I can kill him again."

The adrenaline from earlier was starting to wear off, and the effects were showing. Your wrists and throat ached from the trooper's grip.

"I'm okay," You hoarsely said not being able to say much more because of the pain.

Kylo took off his cape and handed it to you to which you draped it across your chest. Once covered, he turned his gaze to inspect the damage. Kylo came closer and lifted his gloved hand to your neck. His gloved fingers gently traced the already appearing bruises. Then he suddenly pulled back his hand and unleashed his lightsaber. It was the first time you had seen it. The red glow covered the darkroom, and the buzz filled the silence. Kylo then began swinging the blade through everything in sight to release his unbearable rage. It didn't scare you but filled you with warmth because it showed he possibly felt something for you. It showed that he cared. Once everything was destroyed, he placed his lightsaber back on his belt.

"I'm taking you back to your room, and you'll stay there for the rest of the day."

You didn't argue and got up and navigated your way out of the wrecked room. Kylo followed closely behind. Your pounding head and exhausted body slowed your pace to a crawl. Once you were about halfway there, Kylo suddenly picked you up bridal style to pick up the pace. Slightly annoyed, you said, "You know I can walk."

His hold tightened as he said, "I know, but where's the fun in that."

You rolled your eyes and laid your head against his chest, relaxing into his warm body. Being close to Kylo was relaxing but also so tempting. It made you want things that you hadn't thought about in a long time. Just as you were about to fall asleep, Kylo released your legs and put you on the ground. You groggily stared into his helmet, wanting to see his eyes to thank him. But before you could, he said, "Eat and get cleaned up, and I'll come to check on you later."

You watched his retreating form go down the hallway and entered your room.

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