Chapter 5: Curiosity Killed the Cat

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You walked out into the deserted hallway. It was weird that you hadn't seen anyone except for Kylo and a few stormtroopers. Where was everyone? You ventured further away from your room, going down hallways left and right. You definitely weren't keeping track of where you were going becuase eventually you would find your way back. Distant voices drifted down the hallway to your left, so of course, you decided, to go check it out. Making sure your steps were as quiet as possible, you approached a door at the end of the corridor. You pressed your ear against the door. It sounded like an argument was going one. You listened carefully to see if you recognized the voices. One was definitely Kylo Ren, his robotic voice easily identifiable. The others you weren't sure about. It seemed like there were at least four other voices.

"Ren, Supreme Leader Snoke will not be happy if your training of this girl is a failure. The Resistance wants her badly, and if they succeed at taking her, it might be the end of the First Order."

Why do they think I'm so special? Interested, you listened carefully to Kylo's response.

"Do you think I'm not capable of training Y/N? What has led you to believe my powers are so weak?" Kylo growled.

"Well, considering all of your failures to destroy the resistance, I would say my confidence in you is wavering. I wouldn't be surprised if you couldn't train her."

Kylo was quiet for a minute like he was thinking of what to say next. You heard a loud noise like a fist being slammed on a table then someone gasping for air. Your curiosity was too intense for you to not try to see what was happening. As quickly as you could, you slid the door open, just enough for one eye to peer into the room. Kylo had his arm raised, hand curled, and on the opposite wall, a man pinned. His bright blue eyes were bulging out of his head, and his mouth was agape. You could feel Kylo's rage, sizzling into your core. So he really did have a short temper. Considering he didn't do that to you, it seemed like he was being nice. His display of power only scared you a little bit but mostly your thought it was hot. The man who you assumed was Hux scratched at his throat, trying to release the invisible hold Kylo had on him.

"I suggest that you stop underestimating me." He then released Hux, making him fall to the floor and gasp for air. You started in shock at what just happened. What Kylo just did was like what you did to Unkar. How was did he do it? You wanted to be able to do it too. While you were in your thoughts, Kylo was quickly exiting the room. Noticing at the last possible second, you tired to move, but it was too late. He slid the door open, head immediately tilting down to look at you. You took a small step back to try and create some space.

"What are you doing here?" his tone angry.

You weren't sure what to say, so of course, you just lied not very convincing in hindsight.

"Um...I got lost, and I heard your voice, so I came to ask for help getting back to my room. I didn't hear anything.."

Kylo was silent, then grabbed your arm and forcefully dragged you from the hallway. He pinned you to the wall closing the distance between your bodies. His hands gripped both of your arms above your head. Shivers ran down your body because of the close proximity.

"Did that sound convincing to you becuase it didn't to me."

You said nothing becuase he already knew the answer. What was the point of saying it? You just stared into the eye slits of his helmet, wondering what his actual eyes looked like. Were they cruel like Unkar's or warm? He moved closer to speak in your ear.

"Answer me."

He was too close to you. Your thoughts of him were confusing. Kylo was an asshole and intimidating. But you were attracted to him and we're dying were to find out more about him.

"No. But you already knew that anyway, so why did you care."

Kylo discarded your question.

"You need to learn to not stick your nose into other people's business. That conversation was between the council and me, not for you."

Your temper quickly rose. His tone was pissing you off, talking to you like you were a child. You had been alone for 15 years, so you could take of yourself.

"You can't tell me what to do. I'm not some child!" You fired back at him.

The heat radiating from his body was suffocating. It was hard to think while being so close to him.

"I'm your master and your my apprentice. I can tell you what to do, and you will follow. My word is absolute. You will do what I say, or you will regret it. I can promise that."

You thought of the different punishments he could do to you if you disobeyed him: torture, starvation, sex,... Wait, what. Now that you had thought of it, it was hard to stop. You wondered what his body looked like underneath all of those clothes. Not a single piece of skin was showing in his uniform. Was his skin soft or rough? Did he have short hair? Was he as muscular as he seemed? How long was his...

"You do realize your thoughts are very open. Closing your mind might be a good skill to learn." Kylo's voice almost sounded as if he was teasing you.

After processing what he had said, blood rushed to your cheeks. Shit, had he heard everything you were thinking about?

"Yes, now let's go. I'm taking you back to your room before you can't sneak into any other conversations."

Your embarrassment forced you to submit and quietly follow him back to your room. He stopped, and you awkwardly went inside without another word said to each other.

After showering and putting on another silk nightgown, you looked at the clock, which showed it was 7:00 p.m. On your bed was a tray of food. It was much like yesterday's but had more food. There were two sandwiches, grapes, and an apple. Once you finished your meal, your body started to feel the effects of training in the morning. Your whole body was aching, and even though it was 7:30, you could feel your eyes closing. So you got under the black sheet, your body melting into the soft mattress. In a matter of minutes, you were fast asleep.

TW: Nightmare with abuse

Unkar had you backed up against a wall. You franticly searched for a way to escape but couldn't find a way out. He grabbed your hair, dragging you to a more open area. He threw you on the sand, making you land face-first into the sand. You sat up, coughing the sand out of your throat. Unkar kicked your side, making you flip onto your stomach. Then, he placed his wide foot on the small fo your back, crushing your lungs.

"Did you really think I wouldn't find out that you were getting other scavengers to share their portions. You didn't bring me anything valuable, so you didn't get any portions. That is how it works; you don't get to eat for free."

You couldn't restrain your temper and screamed, "I should get to eat for free, I'm only 14. I'm just a child; why don't you see what your doing is wrong?"

He applied more pressure to your back. You struggled for air because of the added pressure.

"Nothing is fair in this world. Yes, you're a child, but you work for me. If my scavengers don't give me parts, then I can't feed myself. You see girl its survival of the fittest, you'll soon learn that you have to use others to get ahead. Now, if you apologize maybe I won't punish you."

You strained your neck to lock eyes with him. All you saw was cruelty, there was no mercy in his gaze. He wanted you to say no, he wanted to cause you pain, see the tears run down your face. Unkar knew your pride wouldn't allow you to apologize, and he was right. You reached your hand and scratched his leg, giving him your answer. Unkar took out a different weapon than his usual whip, it was a metal chain with some jagged edges. He brought it down to fiercely attack your back. Instantly your shirt and the skin were ripped. Again and again, the chain tore at your skin. You couldn't stop the tears from sliding down your cheeks, the pain was unbearable. Unkar continued to shred you back until you were bleeding so much he couldn't see any unmarred skin.

"I hope you've learned your lesson. This hurts me to see you this way." He couldn't even believe the words he said, immediately laughing after. Then Unkar left, leaving you bleeding in the sand.

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