Chapter 10: Nate

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Nathaniel Collins,

Hey, remember me? We met in Amsterdam. I want this straight and simple. Where are you? Can we possibly meet? I want to talk about some things. I don't remember how we took the photo you showed me and that is one of my concerns. I'll explain when we meet. Here's my number +63 945.... Thank you.

Sincerely Yours,
Xyleena Anderson

I'm in so much bliss after I read Xyl's message. She's still kinda blunt and bossy. You're so cute baby. I cannot wait to finally see you again. I just don't know how of all places, why did we meet in Amsterdam? Fate must have really given me hope.

I didn't know you're still living here in the Philippines. I didn't have any communication with your family and your friends didn't have any idea too. I thought you went somewhere far away. Or maybe it's just the stupid me who didn't even put an effort digging in to look after you.

I saved her contact number and texted her right away. "Hi, Nathaniel Collins here. Just send me the details; when and where you want me to meet you. Glad you emailed even if it took you two months to message me. Pingku!"

I wanted to punch someone because man I am so happy. I feel young and in love all over again. I want to meet you as soon as possible sweetie. Thank God you had the courage to message me. I don't care why it took you long before doing it or how you thought of it. I am just thankful you finally did.

I received a text notification from her. I didn't expect for her to reply after a few minutes. "Maybe after a week? I just have to finish some things. By then I'll text you when and where. Oh yeah before I forget, please be ready because I'm gonna ask a lot. Thanks! And wait, what the heck is pingku?"

Tss. Silly, I won't tell you what pingku means. Why does everything you do make my heart satisfied? I imagine you saying that with your rolling eyes and slaying grin. Yes boss, I will wait for you. Just don't take too long because I've been meaning to see you and be with you for three years and counting.


She sent me the details already so I got ready, wore a decent outfit, and sprayed my favourite perfume or should I say her favourite perfume for me? Yeah, if you can't remember me, I'm sure you don't remember this scent as well but as I've told myself, baby I'm gonna make you remember me.

It's gonna take four hours for me to arrive to the meeting place she has chosen. I checked my car gears and everything that needs to be reviewed before driving for hours. Safety first because I can't die on the way to my love. Okay stop with the gay lines, Nate. You're giving yourself goosebumps because of cringe.

I started my engine, looked at the rear view mirror, checked my face and fixed my hair. I turned on the AC and started to reverse out of my parking lot. I'm planning to buy something for her but I don't have any idea what to get that won't make her feel uncomfortable.

I pulled over and texted her, "On my way. See you." And now I'm curious about what she'll wear and what she'll look like. I mean I know she's stunning as always but I'm just impatient and I wanna be with her real quick.

I was halfway the route when Krisha called me. "Babe, I'm sorry but I need you here. I can't stand up. I'm just too weak and I laid in bed for hours already. I feel so sick baby. I couldn't eat."

And just like that, I quickly turned my car and went to Krish. What a bad timing. I can't resist it because she's too nice and innocent. She's there, always there whenever I needed her so it's my turn to do the same. Especially now that I'm hurting her and she's oblivious.

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