Chapter 19: Nate

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I was instructing my preferred barber of the faded look I wanted to try and I'm pretty sure that he'll be able to achieve it. Krisha's having her facial session right now so we agreed to meet at our favourite restaurant after this.

Krisha's not yet done with her session so I decided to stroll around. I went to the ladies' swimwear section and started looking for something that my girlfriend's gonna love. I want our Bali trip to be memorable for her because she's been mentioning it to me as one of her dream destinations ever since our getting-to-know-each-other stage three years ago.

After buying two bikinis for Krish, I went to the perfume section since I ran out of my favourite one. I was walking towards the cashier when I saw someone familiar from afar. I looked at her thoroughly to check if I recognize her correctly.

I'm right. It's Xyleena. But she's with a man and I never saw that guy before. She seemed happy with him from the way she moves and smiles. It felt like something is stabbing my heart and as if my vision's turning to black out of jealousy.

I know I should shrug off this idea because I don't want to hurt Krisha but why is Xyl here with a man? It pisses me off so much. It's supposed to be me with her. What a bad coincidence to meet you here.

I lost sight of them because I got stuck in my position and thoughts made my motive blank. Which I think what's best for now. I'm with Krisha and I don't want to be a cheater. Anyway, we're here for quick errands before our flight later so I don't want to ruin our Bali vacation.

Focus on Krisha, Nate. Forget that you saw Xyleena with another man. You're part of her past. Wait, no. I promised to wait and help her remember right? I love her and I want to get things right with her again.

But how about Krisha? Damn it. Why do I love two girls at the same time? I let out a heavy sigh, realized that I need to pay for the perfume and so I did. Then I just proceeded to Kenny Rogers Roasters and ordered our favourite meal.

When Krish arrived, she gave me a peck on my right cheek and smiled so dearly to me. You need to think straight Nathaniel and remember that you're taken. You have Krisha.

"I got you something love." I told her and handed her the paper bag with the bikinis I just bought earlier.

"Aw! You didn't need to, Nate. I love it! Can't wait to wear it in a few hours when we arrive in Bali. Thank you, I love you always."

"It's nothing baby. I want this Bali trip to be memorable for you. You deserve it." Should I say I love you too? Will I mean it after what I felt awhile ago? Even if Xyleena left a pain in my heart?

"Is there something wrong Nate?" Krish said that made me stop from thinking about Xyl. Krisha doesn't deserve to be treated this way. She gives so much love and I can't put that to waste.

"I love you too dear. Wear it once we get there okay? Let's have fun and be adventurous together. I'm sorry for everything."

She obviously felt relief and gave me a smile. The meal was served and we're now eating the chicken along with the sides.

After the errands in the mall, Krish and I parted ways to get our stuff from home. I'll just pick her up on the way to airport and see you Indonesia in a few.

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