[S1] The Rookies

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Simmons: Hey, that's not exactly what happened

Ayumi: Yeah, He's right Grif!

Grif: Yes it is! You said "I'm not going to the Vegas quadrant" and then the next thing I know you're in an escape pod headed for-

A red soldier who is not Sarge Walk up to the Ramp and headed towards them.

Rookie: Excuse me, uh, sirs?

The trio look at the Rookie

Grif: Sirs? Aw, crap

Rookie: I was told to report to Blood Gulch Outpost Number One and speak to whoever's in charge?

Grif: Sorry, man. Sarge is at Command getting orders. Ain't nobody's in charge today.

Seville: Ahem.

They didn't realize that Seville has been standing here.

Seville: You know who are you talking to.

Grif: Wait. How come Seville is in charge?

Everyone, except the rookie, simply stare at Grif until he realizes that Seville had a rank of corporal and the official second-in-command of the red team.

Grif: Oh, right.

Seville: You know ,Grif? Sometimes you don't need to ask who is in charge when Sarge left, okay?

Grif: Yes, sir. (mutters) Kiss-ass. 

Seville: I freaking heard that, asshole.

Simmons: Also, Sarge told me if I had any trouble from you I should (Clears throat and Intimidates Sarge Terribly) "Get in the Warthog and crush your head like a tomato can."

Everyone stares at Simmons for a few seconds

Grif: That's the worst impression that I have ever heard.

Ayumi: (giggling) It's kinda funny on how you say it Simmons

Under Simmons' helmet, he blushed pretty hard to Ayumi's comment

Seville: Okay, rookie. I'm Corporal Seville and I'm in charge here In while Sarge is gone. So, what's your name?

Donut: Private Donut reporting for duty, sir. I'm ready to fight some aliens.

Seville: (Signs and mutters sadly) like every soldiers said that. ( back to normal voice) Alright, Private. Same shit, different day. Guard duty like everyone does, okay?

Donut: Yes, sir.

Seville: Good. (mutters)Better than those two stooges(referring to Simmons and Grif) . (normal voice)If you need me, I will be at the base doing some paperwork. Alright, Good day Okuto and gentlemen.

Seville turned around and went inside the base. Everyone turns their heads at Donut.

Grif: Couple things here, rookie. First off, Private Donut? I think somebody needs a new nickname. Secondly, what's with the armor color?

Donut: This is the standard issue red.

Grif: Yeah, I know. Listen, only two kinds of people wear standard issue armor: officers and recruits. And since you're not threating to gut me like a fish, you're probably not an officer.

Donut: (look at Simmons and Ayumi) Well, they are wearing red armor.

Ayumi: Well, my armor is Rudy wine.

red vs blue(w/OCs): The Blood Gulch Chronicles (Discontinued)Where stories live. Discover now