[S1] After Church

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Ayumi, Simmons, and Grif run up the ramp to the red base, where Donut and Seville is waiting with the flag right next to it.

Donut: What happened?

Grif:(panting) BIG... TANK... SHOOT... WhOOO!

Simmons: Damn, man. We only ran, like, three hundred feet. You are REALLY out of shape.

Grif:(panting) FUCK... YOU.

Seville: Where's the Warthog?

Simmons: General Patton here had a great strategy to leave it behind.

Ayumi: Not a good idea to leave the broken jeep in the middle of the canyon.

Grif: Hey, it would have worked if that tank hadn't shown up.

Ayumi: Well, at least we escape from that tank.

Seville facepalms. He is Slowly getting Livid about that until he calmed down.

Donut: You lost the jeep? Oh, man, Lopez is gonna be pissed.

Seville: Grif, I'm not mad at that, but Sarge will beat the crap out of you up when he knows about that.

Donut: So, Where is it?

They heard the explosion and the jeep darts to the base from below, landing between Donut and Seville, and the other three.

Grif: What the hell?

Seville: Huh, That's convenient.

The tank fires at the base, nearly hitting Grif.


Seville: TAKE COVER!

Donut: Holy crap! What the hell is that thing?

Grif: That's the tank!

Tank continues firing at the base.

Donut: Hey uh, Grif uh, you wanna hold the flag for a little bit?

Grif: No, keep that away from me!


Sheila keeps firing at the Warthog while caboose is inside and, Azumi and Tucker, who is still cover in black stuff, stand beside it.

Tucker: Why do you keep firing at the jeep?

Caboose: Because it's locked on!

Sheila: Target locked.

Sheila fires again.

Tucker: Well unlock it.

Caboose: Last time I unlocked it, I KILLED CHURCH!

Tucker: Oh, right... keep shooting the jeep then.

Azumi: I think that friendly fire protocol is broken.


Donut and Seville cover at the right ramp of the base while Ayumi, Grif, and Simmons are on the left side.

Donut: I hate to be the one to point this out, guys. But I think we're screwed.

Sheila fires again.

Simmons: Yeah, I have to agree with the rookie on this one.

The Red team heard a radio contact.

Sarge: (on the radio from a Pelican dropship) Blood Gulch Outpost Number One. Come in Blood Gulch Outpost, come in. Do you read me? This is Sergeant-"

Grif: Oh my God, Sarge! is that you?

Sarge: Roger that, Private. I am currently in-bound to your position from Command."

Seville: Sir, this is Seville.

Sarge: Hello, Corporal. I hope everything's gone alright while I've been gone.

Before Seville speak, Grif speaks first.

Grif: Actually, sir, things are kind of hectic right now. The new rookie arrived, and somehow he managed to infiltrate the blue base. And now we have their flag, the Warthog is damaged, one of their guys is dead, and there's this huge fucking tank about to destroy our base.

Sarge went silent in a moment.

Sarge: (radio) Am I talkin' to the right base?

Grif: Sarge, we are going to die here.

Seville: Grif, Shut up! 

Seville rose from cover and ran to the post while avoiding getting hit. 

Grif: Seville! Are you insane!?

As Seville arrived at the base post, he peeks over and saw a tank with two blue soldiers standing right beside it.

Seville: Sarge, Contact, Enemy tank plus two infantry, 45 meters at the front of the base, requesting immediate air support at the designated coordinates. Over.

Sarge: Roger that, Seville. Well then, hold tight Ayumi and boys. I think I got a solution to your little 'tank' problem.


Tucker and Azumi look at the sky and saw something flying fast.

Tucker: Uh oh.

The Red team look to the sky and saw a plane zooms over the Red base.

When Tucker and Azumi saw a plane, Tucker backs out but, Azumi tries to open the tank canopy but, the canopy is locked.

Azumi:  Caboose? Can you get out of the tank? Like right now.

Caboose: I can't figure out how to get this thing open!

Sheila: Night vision engaged.

Tucker: Guys, get out now.

Shells from the plane exploding progressively nearer to the tank.

Caboose: Okay, open the do- okay, alright, Sheila, would you please open the door?"

Sheila: Driver canopy open. 

The canopy opens. Azumi grabs Caboose and gets out of the tank.

Sheila: Thank you for using the M808V main battle ta-

The tank got shot from the shell, blowing it on its roof backward.

Azumi and Caboose ran away from the explosion.

Caboose: Oh crap, oh crap, oh crap running, running, running! 

The two reach Tucker.

 Caboose: Man, that was close.

Tucker: Look at your tank, though.

The flipped tank slowly dying.

Sheila: I'm scared, Dave. Will I dream? Daaaai-sy... Daaaai-sy...

Azumi: That was creepy.


Tucker: What? No! Sheila! Sheila! Wait... who's Sheila?"

Caboose: Sheila's the lady in the tank. She was my friend...

Tucker: Oh, dude! I knew you could pick up chicks in a tank.

Azumi rolled her eyes at Tucker's attitude.

==The End==

A/N: hey guys thank you for reading this chapter and I hope you guys enjoy!

red vs blue(w/OCs): The Blood Gulch Chronicles (Discontinued)Where stories live. Discover now