[S1] Inside Out

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Both Tex and Church(Sarge) is at gunpoint by Seville using his sniper rifle at the left hand aiming at Tex and his silenced SMG at his right aiming at Church(Sarge).

Church(Sarge): Woah! Hey, other red guy, what the heck are you do-

Seville: I know you're not Sarge, 'Church'. And don't ever think I'm just an another MORON who thinks you're him, but I don't think so, a-hole.

Church is very surprised by that. He always thought that all of the Red team are a bunch of Idiots like everybody else except a few. And apparently, he is not one of the idiots.

Church(Sarge): (Church's normal voice) Look, Red, I just wanted to get the prisoner out of this mess and, I don't want to deal with this situation.

Seville: Ha! Like I'm gonna release her after she nearly killed our rookie. Hell no, Church!

Church turns toward Tex.

Church: (whisper)Man, This guy is really serious.

Tex: (whisper)Don't worry. I got this.

Church: How?

Tex stares at Seville

Tex: Watch me.

Tex slowly reach her flashbang but Seville noticed it and in response, He aimed both of his weapons at Tex's head.

Seville: Don't. Even. DARE!

Tex: I already did.

Seville didn't even noticed that The flashbang is already dropped on the floor. It stuns and Blinds both Seville and Church but Tex didn't due to her helmet upgraded to stop flashbangs. Tex dropkicked Seville to the wall behind him. Tex calmly stands up and looks at Church who is dazed by that flashbang.

Tex: See, easy.

Suddenly, Seville ram Tex to the wall behind her with all his might. Tex elbows Seville at his back, hits his face with a knee then, a strong kick to his stomach, sends him straight toward the wall behind him and falls to the ground. But, to her surprise, Seville slowly standing up and turns towards her.

Tex: you're tough.

Seville: Heh, I've been worse than that.

Tex slam its fist into its hand and cracks her neck twice while Seville readies his fighting stance.

Tex: But not as tough.

Seville charges towards Tex and Clothesline her, but she slides under him. He quickly turns towards her and throws punches at her but, both of them were blocked. Tex then Delivers multiple strikes against him then, a strong kick to his stomach again sends him straight toward another wall behind him, and drops to the floor. But he didn't knock out as easy as she thought it would be. Seville quickly standing up, turns around, and charge towards her again but, Tex catches him in a powerful punch to the back, knocking him to the ground, and steps on his back, pinning him while he lies on his front to the floor.

Tex: And you can't win against me.

Someone throws a knife flying straight towards her, but she steps back to dodge it, releasing Seville. She turns towards someone who threw it at her.

Ayumi: No one steps on my friend!

Ayumi charges towards Tex, who steadied her stance.

Meanwhile, at the top of the base, Grif and Lopez are standing, Keeping an eye on the "Special ops" team. Lopez heard some noises came from inside the base. He looked behind him but, Grif interrupts.

Grif: Just ignore it.

Lopez stares at Grif. He wonders why.

Grif: I just don't want to get involved.

Lopez shrugs and continues to watch on the special forces near their base.

Inside the base, Simmons began to wake up after he got knocked out.

Simmons: (groans) What happened?

Simmons saw Ayumi and Seville fighting Tex.

Simmons: What the? What the heck is going on?

Simmons failed to notice that Ayumi crashed into him, and both got knocked out.

Simmons and Ayumi: (groans) Ow.

Seville throws many punches and kicks towards Tex as much as possible to overwhelm her but, She Blocks every single one of his attacks. Tex then grabs and pulls his right arm as he tries to punch her, a knee to his chest, and a roundhouse kick to his right side of his face. Seville falls to the ground again but struggles to stand up due to his body in pain, but ignores it. Tex is getting somewhat irritated on how Seville endures her every attack that could knock out a Red or Blue soldier in a single blow, yet he is just as resilient as a freelancer. She began to wonder why he didn't become one of the Freelancers and instead became a simulation trooper. The Rudy wine trooper seems to have pretty good martial art skills, but she got knocked out, not as hard as that Red with steel colored Trooper. That guy reminded her of someone who desperately wants to beat her and win.

Tex: Gosh, you're annoying.

Tex walks towards him and punches his face before he got up. Seville groans in pain by that punch then, struggling to stand up again. Getting irritated, She strikes him again, but Church interrupts her before she could land a blow.

Church: Hey! That's enough already!

Tex relaxes a bit and walks towards Church while Seville rests after getting beat up by her.

Church: Let's get out of here before they got up.

Tex nods. She and Church exit the base before the Reds woke up after the fight.


Caboose is looking through the sniper rifle, with Azumi and Tucker near him.

Tucker: What're you doing?

Caboose spotted Tex and Church(as Sarge) outside the base.

Caboose: One of the reds has Tex. I'm going to shoot him, and kill him, and free Tex. Then Church will forgive me for killing him, and we will be friends.

Tucker: Oh, come on, you don't actually believe any of that, do you?

Caboose is aiming at Church's head with a sniper rifle.

Caboose: Ohhh, we're gonna be best friends.


Outside the red base, Church plans to escape from the reds.

Church: Alright, I'll make one more distraction, then you run-up to the teleporter, and escape. Ready? One... Two... Three!

Caboose shoots Church in the head, Sarge's body falls and, Church became a ghost again.

Church: What the? Where did my body go? Oh, you've gotta be KIDDING me!

Caboose: Tucker did it!

==The End==

A/N: hey guys thank you for reading this chapter and I hope you guys enjoy! Sorry for the long update because of school.

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